Product Name: Buchu Leaf Extract
Scientific Name: Agathosma betulinaLatin Name: Barosma buchu Lina L
Part: Leaf
Ingredients: Bioflavoniods, Diosmin, essential oil
Specification: 5%,10%,4:1,10:1
Appearance: Brownish black Powder
CAS No.: 68650-46-4

Buchu Leaf extract is made from a well-known South African plant that has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries by the san and Khoi, as well as the early Dutch settlers. Its skin-care benefits include gently removing excess oil without drying the skin, reducing spots and blemishes while deep-cleaning pores and soothing the skin. Buchu is also known for its antiseptic properties.
Buchu is a low, white or pink-flowered multi-stemmed, perennial shrub native to the mountain slopes of South Africa. The plant grows up to two meters in height. Its glossy broad leaves are more than twice as long as they are broad and have oil glands throughout the leaf. When the leaves are brittle after being dried, they possess a strongly aromatic, blackcurrant-like aroma that can be used to make a tea.

Health Benefits of Buchu
The urinary antiseptic and other properties of buchu are used for a variety of ailments:
Treating kidney and urinary tract diseases
Relieving the symptoms of rheumatism
Speeding up the healing of wounds and bruises
Treating minor digestive disturbances
However, it should be noted that these are all traditional uses of the plant, and no scientific data backing up these claims has yet been published.