• Catnip Extract

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    Catnip Extract primarily potent due to a certain terpenoid called nepetelactone but various other chemical constituents and nutrients also affect various aspects of human health

    pec/Specs:Catnip Extract 10:1.

    • Product Description

    catnip extract powder

    Catnip is an herb in the mint family that is well-known for its effects on most felines. It contains a substance called nepetalactone that causes reactions ranging from sniffing, rubbing, and licking to getting exuberant and even somewhat aggressive.

    Product Name: Catmint / Catnip Extract / Nepeta Cataria Extract
    Latin Name: Nepeta Cataria
    Part Used: Leaf
    Specification: 10:1
    Test Method: TLC
    Particle size: 80mesh
    Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder
    Extracted Solvent: Water & Ethanol
    Particle Size: 80mesh


    Health Benefits Of Catnip

    Stress Relief: The same quality that makes catnip so attractive to cats, namely because it makes them slightly “high” and sedates them, can also apply to humans in a more controlled way. Catnip can provide stress relief and reduce chronic anxiety as an herbal remedy when eaten, consumed in the form of a juice or tea, or when smoked as an herb. This can also help to reduce the secondary symptoms of chronic stress and strengthen your immune system.


    Sleep Aid: Catnip has been used by people with insomnia or sleep restlessness for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The sedative nature helps to slow down the body’s natural cycles and induce a calm, relaxed state. People are better able to sleep through the night for undisturbed, restful sleep. Many people choose to drink a cup of catnip tea before bed to ensure a refreshing sleep.

    Digestive Issues: Catnip is particularly effective in clearing up digestive issues, especially constipation, excess flatulence, cramping, and bloating. The relaxing, anti-inflammatory effects of catnip’s organic compounds can ease the knots and inflammation in your gastrointestinal system and relieve tightness and discomfort.

    Menstrual Cramps: For women suffering from particularly painful menstrual cramps, catnip tea is often recommended as an alternative treatment, because it can quickly relieve those cramps and stresses on the body. Furthermore, the sedative, calming effects of catnip can also soothe other symptoms of menstruation, such as mood swings and depression.


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