• Wild Yam Extract, Dioscorease Rhizome Extract, Dioscin, Diosgenin, Yam Root Extract

    1. ALL PRODUCT , , , , , , , , ,

    Product Name: Wild Yam Extract
    Herb Source: Dioscorea opposita
    Part Used: Stem & Root
    Active Ingredients: Dioscin, Diosgenin
    Specification: Diosgenin 16%
    Appearance: White or Beige Fine Powder
    Test Method: HPLC
    CAS#: 512-04-9

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Wild Yam Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

    • Product Description

    Poduct Name: Wild Yam Extract

    Herb Source: Dioscorea opposita Thunb

    Part Used: Stem & Root

    Active Ingredients: Dioscin, Diosgenin

    Specifications: Diosgenin16%

    Test Method: HPLC

    Appeaance: White or beige fine powder

    Pharmacology:   1. It is a remedy used to relieve intestinal colic, to soothe diverticulitis, ease dysmenorrhoea and ovarian and uterine pains.

                               2. It is also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, especially the acute phase where there is intense inflammation.

    What Is Wild Yam Extract ?

    Wild yam, also known as colic root or Dioscorea villosa. The main edible part of an underground tuber. Distribution of a wide range of yam, common in tropical and subtropical regions. Among Central and South America as the most, followed by subtropical region and Africa. The annual production of yam in the tropics is second only to cassava and sweet potato, but more than their nutritional value. It is the most important root crop, is one of the important food crops.Although each locale grows a different species of wild yam, both species contain diosgenin, the active ingredient in the plant. Traditionally, the wild yam has been used for a variety of ailments, ranging from menopausal issues to mild cramps. 

    Functions And Benefits Of The Wild Yam Extract

    1. Wild yam extract has the function of anti-fatigue, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress, hypocholesterolemic, and estrogenic effects.

    2. Wild yam extract is used as an antispasmodic, and could be helpful for nausea of pregnant women (morning sickness), spasmodic hiccough and asthma.

    3. Most women experience lack of progesterone, not estrogen. Natural progesterone supplements are used to balance estrogen. Natural progesterone has a structure similar to that of human progesterone and is made form plant fats; One of such fats is diosgenin. 

    4. Wild yam extract is rich in diosgenin, so diosgenin became the most popular source of natural progesterone.

    Application Of Wild Yam Extract

    1. Wild yam extract can be applied in pharmaceutical field as raw material.

    2. Wild yam extract can be applied in food and beverage field.

    3. Wild yam extract can be used in cosmetic field. 

    4. Wild yam extract can be used as raw material in health care products and supplement field. 

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Wild Yam Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price. 

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