Nattokinase is an enzyme (a protein that speeds up biochemical reactions) that is extracted from a popular Japanese food called natto. Natto is boiled soybeans that have been fermented with a bacterium called Bacillus natto.
Natto has been used as a folk remedy for diseases of the heart and circulatory system (cardiovascular disease) for hundreds of years. Nattokinase, the chemical in natto that is probably responsible for its effects, was discovered by a University of Chicago researcher, Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi.
You won’t find nattokinase in soy foods other than natto, since nattokinase is produced through the specific fermentation process used to make natto.
Nattokinase is used for cardiovascular diseases including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, chest pain (angina), deep vein thrombosis (DVT), “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis), hemorrhoids, varicose veins, poor circulation, and peripheral artery disease (PAD).
It is also used for pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, muscle spasms, infertility, cancer, and a vitamin-deficiency disease called beriberi.
How does it work?
Nattokinase decreases the ability of blood to clot. This “thins the blood” and might protect against conditions caused by blood clots such as stroke, heart attack, and others.
1.nattokinase enzymes remains active in the body for 8 to12 hours. nattokinase powder not only dissolves existing blood clots, but prevents blood coagulation, In addition to its anti-clotting factors, Nattokinase has been found to reduce blood pressure.
2.nattokinase enzymes is one of several enzymes related to your circulation. Fibrin, the enzyme that causes blood clotting, is usually broken down by another enzyme, plasmin, which aids normal platelet aggregation and circulation.But plasmin production declines with age.