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Manjakani  Extract Benefits for Women Health


Manjakani or Oak is gall is very much popular in India and Malaysia. It is known as “Masikai” in Tamil and “Mazhupal “ in Hindi. In Tamil Nadu, You will find it in all homes where there is a newborn baby. It has been used for natural vaginal tightening since ages.For years,the Manjakani products have been used as an astringent,it boosts the immune system,it tightens the skin-both facially and vaginally,and it continues to be studied in healing diabetes and cancer.The Manjakani extract properties helps to boost a women’s libido,tightens her vagina,and helps to increase sexual sensation.Other helpful vaginal properties of the extract includes eliminating bacteria that produces yeast and fungal infections.

Benefits of Manjakani for Women Health

Manjakani is known to have many benefits to the health of women’s intimate organs as well as to address various illnesses of women. One of the functions is to treat fungus and act as a natural ingredient to make the female intimate organs become more elastic.

1. Maintaining The Health of Women’s Intimate Organs

Manjakani has many contents as Mamita has mentioned earlier. Those contents will benefit to the female organs. Its usefulness to the female organs include overcoming excessive fluid, kill bacteria and fungi, make it more tight, and increase the elasticity of vaginal muscle area. In the past, usually the Manjakani fruits will be pounded until smooth. After that if it is fine, then it will be applied to the female area. There are some who make a mixture as natural herbal medicine.


2. For Vaginal Tightening

Extracts from Manjakani tighten vaginal muscles. It also helps in reduce the discharge of liquid.Take Manjakani and crush it. Boil it in water till the water colour changes. Cool the water and use it wash the vagina.Start using it after pregnancy along with Yoga to get optimum results.

Be it facial or vaginal. It is rich in antioxidants which help in reduce the process of aging.So this an awesome herb for skin tightening.

3. For Mouth Ulcers

Manjakani has been used to treat mouth ulcer because of its astringent properties.It heals mouth ulcers instantly. You can apply the paste of Manjakani on your ulcer. It is completely safe to be used in case ulcer. Even this can be used on a child.Soak oak gall in water for the while then rub it on the hard surface or stone with little water. It will form a paste and use it on the affected areas for instant relief.

Manjakani Side Effects

Manjakani products naturally contain the following:

Carbohydrates,Protein,Fiber,Minerals like calcium and iron,Vitamin A and C,Antioxidants,Gailic acids,Tannins(bitter plant compound).

Some of its ingredients may cause different sensitivities to individuals,which is why lower dosage usage is suggested,then increase using them gradually.Manjakani products are definitely not to be used or taken by women who are pregnant,who are going through their menstruation cycle,or who may have a vaginal infection.

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