• Artichoke Extract, Cynarin, Globe Artichoke Leaf Extract Powder

    1. ALL PRODUCT , , , , , , , , ,

    Procuct Name: Artichoke Extract
    Herb Source: Cynara Scolymus L
    Part Used: Leaf
    Active Ingredients: Cynarin
    Specifications: Cynarin 2.5%-5%
    Test Method: UV
    Appearance: Yellow Brown Powder
    CAS#: 30964-13-7

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Artichoke Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

    • Product Description


    Artichoke Extract Details

    Procuct Name: Artichoke Extract 

    Herb Source: Cynara Scolymus L 

    Part Used: Leaf 

    Active Ingredients: Cynarin 

    Specifications: Cynarin 2.5%-5% 

    Test Method: UV 

    Appearance: Yellow Brown Powder 

    CAS#: 30964-13-7 

    Molecular Formula & Molecular Weight: C25H24O12; 516.45

    Cynarin Structural Formula:

    Cynarin Structural Formula

    Pharmacological: Artichoke extract can enhance liver and kidney function, lower cholesterol, promote the metabolism of amino acids to help digestion. Artichoke acid can increase the vitality of the liver and promote liver toxins out and promote the regeneration of liver cells, promote secretion of bile law digest fats.  

    What Is ?

    Artichokes, also knowm as Ju thistle, artichoke, French lily, lotus lily perennial herb. The artichoke extract is usually made by the artichoke’s leaf, stem, and root because of they contain a high concentration of certain chemicals found in the plant such as cynarin.

    Artichoke extract is used to stimulate the flow of bile from the liver, and it can help reduce the symptoms of heartburn and alcohol “hangover”. Artichoke extract is also used for high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, kidney problems, anemia, fluid retention (edema), arthritis, bladder infections, and liver problems. Artichoke extract used in medicine to treat snakebites, prevent gallstones, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar; to increase urine flow; and as a tonic or stimulant.


    Functions And Benefits Of Artichoke Extract Cynarin Powder

    1. Artichoke extract cynarin powder increasing bile secretion and law constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

    2. Natural artichoke extract is used for stimulating the secretion of bile law, preventing arteriosclerosis, and protect heart blood.

    3. Artichoke extract powder plays an important role in relieving vascular purpura.

    4. Artichoke extract can be used for treatments of chronic hepatitis, reducing cholesterol and indigestion diseases, improving gastrointestinal function.

    5. Natural artichoke extract powder is used for anti Hepatic toxicity, choleretic agents, anti-high blood lipids (serum cholesterol).

    6. Artichoke extract has effects on the malignant cells.

    Applications Of Artichoke Extract Cynarin Powder

    1. Artichoke extract cynarin can be used in pharmaceutical field as raw material;

    2. Artichoke extract powder is used for functional food.

    3. Artichoke extract can be used in water-soluble beverages as raw material.

    4. Cynara scolymus extract can be used as raw materials in health care products and supplement.

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Artichoke Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Artichoke Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

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