7. Pflanzenextrakt

» 7. Pflanzenextrakt

Beste Sale Berg Soursop Extrakt kostenlose Probe

7. Pflanzenextrakt
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 Product Best Sale mountain soursop extract free sample



Produktname: mountain soursop extract
Lateinischer Name: Jahrna muricata Linn/Annona Muricata L

Aussehen: braunes Pulver

Grade Norm: Lebensmittelqualität


Ursprung: China

Verpackung:1kg / bag,Sterilisierungsdoppel Plastiktüten innen, mit Aluminiumfolienbeutel außerhalb;

                  25kg / Fasertrommel, Sterilisierungsdoppel Plastiktüten innen;



 Introduction of Best Sale mountain soursop extract free sample



 Graviola is a small, upright evergreen tree, 5–6 m high, with large, glänzend, dark green leaves. It produces a large, heart-shaped, edible fruit that is 15–20 cm im Durchmesser, is yellow-green in color, and has white flesh inside. The pulp of Graviola contains 81% Feuchtigkeit, 3% titratable acidity and 24% non-reducing sugar. Graviola seed contains 8% Feuchtigkeit, 2% Rohprotein, 13% Asche, 8% Rohfaser, 20% fat and 47% Kohlenhydrat. The seed also contains 0.2% water soluble ash, 0.8% titratable acidity and 17 mg calcium / 100 Gramm. There are quite a number of compounds in the fruit. Some of these include acetogenins, muricins, annomuricine and muricapentocin, muricatocins A and B, and many others including annopentocins A, B, und C.


Graviola extract has become widely available as a supplement with claims to numerous benefits.In the places where graviola grows, people use it both as a food and a medicine. Das Obst, sweet but with a notable tartness, is a favorite dessert and popular also in the form of a juice. Before it is ripe, the fruit serves in some areas as a means of treating the effects of intestinal disorders such as dysentery. Es ist, jedoch, the rest of the tree that is a part of most remedies. Indigenous peoples use the bark of the root as a febrifuge, or fever reducer, while they use the leaves in anti-parasitic and antiseptic preparations, as well as in topical applications to diminish muscular pain.



Function of GMP Best Sale mountain soursop extract free sample


1. Graviola extract for cancer (all types).
2. It worked as a broad-spectrum internal and external antimicrobial to treat bacterial and fungal infections.
3. Graviola extract for internal parasites and worms.
4. It can be used for lowering blood pressure.
5. Graviola extract for depression, Stress, and nervous disorders.


Applikation of GMP Best Sale mountain soursop extract free sample


1.Schönheit bewahren und jung bleiben

2.Healthcare product

3.Stärkt die Immunität



Wir servieren die nutrazeutischen Lebensmittelzusatzstoffe, Pharma- und Kosmetikindustrie.

Die Anwendungen des lyophilisierten Passionsfruchtpulvers sind wie folgt: 

•Pharmaceuticals(Tablets, Kapseln, Elektrik und etc.. )

•Gesundheitsprodukte (Tablets, Kapseln und Co. )

•Kosmetika( Hautpflegecreme, Salbe, Sprays und etc.. )

Meine Bestellung: 1kg Gültig: 60 Tage

Haltbarkeit: 2 Jahre

Standardverpackung: 25kg/dram

Unsere Produkte sind nach ISO9001 zertifiziert:2000, HACCP, Koscher, Halal und GMP.

Passionsfrucht lyophilisiertes Pulver Analysenzertifikat


  Beste Sale Berg Soursop Extrakt kostenlose Probe



Beste Sale Berg Soursop Extrakt kostenlose Probe


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