High Quality Matcha Green Tea Powderbest sell
Ballaststoffe, Vitamin ect.
300 mesh-1000 mesh
Grünes Pulver
1 kg
Matcha green tea powder, als Gesundheits- und Ernährungsprodukt seit Tausenden von Jahren. Es ist reich an notwendigen Nährstoffen für den menschlichen Körper, wie Polyphenole, Proteine, Ballaststoff, Vitamine und Kalium, Kalzium, Magnesium,Eisen, fast mehr als 30 Arten von Spurenelementen, hat Anti-Aging, immunity enhancement and slim and other effects.
Function of High Quality Matcha Green Tea Powder best sell
1.Permium Matcha green tea powder with enhance the immune function;
2.Matcha green tea powder used to prevent caries, Cholesterin und Fett;
3.Matcha tea powder can reduce blood pressure, Blutzucker, Blutfette;
4.Matcha green tea powder with the function of removing radicals, antioxidant and anti-aging.
AnwendungHochwertiges Matcha-Grüntee-Pulver Bestseller
Grade A:
For Cooking /culinary grade. Sowie: Nudeln, bisuits, Mondkuchen, Kekse, green bean cakes etc.
Grade AA:
For Baking grade:Nougat, Puffs, Pudding,Chocolate etc.
Grade AAA:
1. For beverage & dessert grade, such as Drinks, Smoothies, Ice Cream, Joghurt, Juices, Latte, Milk Tea etc.For Ceremonial grade, drink directly.
2. For cosmetic grade: Mask, Foaming cleanser,Seifen, Lipstick etc.
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