3.Gesundheits-Produkte wie Kapseln oder Pillen.
What is Hesperetin?
Citrus aurantium is the Latin name for a fruit called Seville orange, or bitter orange. The juice, peel, and essential oil have all been used medicinally. Traditionally uses include digestive problems, Epilepsie, ermüden, Schlaflosigkeit, Infektionen, Atmungsprobleme, Hautprobleme, and many other uses.
Funtion and Application of Hesperetin
1.Als natürliches Antioxidans, tangeretin is mainly used in cosmetic industry;
2.Als natürliches Antioxidans, tangeretin is widely used in health product and food industry;
3.Als Rohstoff für Medikamente zur Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels, antiviren- und entzündungshemmend, tangeretin.
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