7. Pflanzenextrakt

» 7. Pflanzenextrakt

Loss Weight Ingredient Psyllium Husk Extract Fiber Powder

7. Pflanzenextrakt
  • Produktbeschreibung


Loss Weight Ingredient Psyllium Husk Extract Powder

lateinischer Name

Plantago asiatica L.


98% 99%Ballaststoff


off-white powder

Der Nachweis Mothed



Provinz Shaanxi , China


24 Monate


100% Pass 80 mesh


What is Psyllium

Flohsamen Schalen, auch einfach Flohsamen genannt, sind Teile der Samen der Pflanze Plantago ovata der Gattung Plantago, die in Indien beheimatet ist, aber auch anderswo zu finden ist. Flohsamenschalen sind hygroskopisch, in der Lage, Flüssigkeiten zu absorbieren, die hauptsächlich als volumenbildendes Abführmittel und eine gute Quelle für Ballaststoffe verwendet werden und kommerziell zur Herstellung von Schleim verwendet werden.

Flohsamen Schale ist ein wirksames Kraut, das zum Abnehmen und zur Aufrechterhaltung der allgemeinen Darmgesundheit verwendet wird. Die Vorteile von Flohsamenschalen liegen in ihren schwammigen Ballaststoffen, die nicht leicht verdaulich sind und ein Sättigungsgefühl vermitteln, wodurch der Appetit reduziert wird. Die ballaststoffreiche Flohsamenschale verbessert auch die Verdauung und reinigt das System. Psyllium ist eine ausgezeichnete Ballaststoffquelle für kohlenhydratarme Diäten, die bei Programmen zur Gewichtskontrolle wirksam sind.




1. Psyllium Benefits for Constipation

In the Journal of Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics May 1998, a study has been published detailing the benefits of psyllium husk in the treatment of chronic constipation.
The study found that psyllium absorbs more water and produce more bulk that effects the intestine to contract and help speed the passage of stool through the digestive tract. Psyllium is superior to docusate sodium for softening stools by increasing stool water content, and has greater overall laxative efficacy in subjects with chronic idiopathic constipation.

2. Psyllium Benefits Against Colon Cancer

In the Journal of Cancer Letters. November 1993, a study was published that investigated the potential synergism of wheat bran and psyllium husk in the inhibition of colon cancer in murine rats. According the study done in the Institute for Disease Prevention, George Washington University, the rats were fed with experimental diets and were given injections of azoxymethan to induce colon tumors. When fed with psyllium husk and wheat bran fibers the results clearly showed that there is a significantly reduced number of colon tumors. This study suggests that diets that include wheat bran in combination with psyllium husk could benefit human population against colon cancer risk who are addicted to high risk western diets.

3.Psyllium Benefits for Diabetes II Patients

A high fiber diet is widely believed to lower insulin and blood sugar levels and improve cholesterol levels in people with diabetes. It may also reduce the chance of developing diabetes in those who are at risk.
The Journal of Diabetes and its Complications issue Sept-Oct 1998 have reported a study investigating the benefits of Plantago psyllium in type II diabetes and its effects in the blood lipid and glucose levels. The results of the study indicated that patients given 5 grams of psyllium husk three times a day for two weeks showed significant reduction in fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides levels, while the HDL cholesterol increased significantly with no remarkable side effects. This suggests that psyllium is an effective adjunct to dietary therapy in type II diabetes patients having the benefits of lipid and blood glucose lowering effect.

4. Psyllium Benefits for Diarrhea

Psyllium is also used to treat mild to moderate cases of diarrhea. Psyllium exhibits a water absorbency effect making the stool firmer and slower to pass.

5. Psyllium Effects and Benefits for Heart Disease

The Department of Medicine, Mt. Vernon Hospital in New York, USA has released a study as published in the Journal of Cardiology in Review. May 2007, on the nutriceuticals of psyllium husk in cardiovascular disease. The study reported that psyllium husk is a soluble gel-forming fiber that binds to the bile acids in the gut and has preventive effects of reabsorption, similar to the bile acid sequestrant drugs. Außerdem, psyllium is useful as an adjunct to dietary therapy in the treatment of patients with mild-to-moderate hypercholesterolemia. In combination with other cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as statins, psyllium provides an added benefit on cholesterol lowering, and is well tolerated and cost-effective.

6. Psyllium Effects and Benefits for Hemorrhoids

Having soft stool is a great comfort when having hemorrhoids. Psyllium may benefit a hemorrhoid patient by softening the stool for easy passage through the anal cavity.

7. Psyllium Benefits for High Blood Pressure

The British Journal of Nutrition reported a study done in Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute about the effects of 12-week psyllium fibre supplementation or healthy diet on blood pressure and arterial stiffness in overweight and obese individuals. According to this study, healthy diet is the best way to control or lower blood pressure. Psyllium husk alone did not effect a significant benefit in lowering blood pressure but augmentation of psyllium husk may further improve control and lowering of blood pressure in hypertensive patients.


9. Psyllium Husk Benefits to Weight Loss

Studies and clinical reports suggest that psyllium husk is not a readily digestible fiber and absorbs water and bile acids in the stomach and intestine. Because of this effect, there is a feeling of fuller stomach that reduce hunger and cravings while at the same time preventing the reabsorption of fatty acids by the stomach. 


Applications of Psyllium Husk Extract Powder


The husks are used whole in their natural state, or dried and chopped or powdered for easier consumption. In either of these forms, one takes them by mixing them with water or another fluid.
It is best that children should get fiber from their diet. Psyllium supplements may only be given upon doctor’s advice.

To take psyllium husk or seeds : Hinzufügen 1 zu 2 tsp of psyllium husks with 8 oz glass of warm water then mixed well. Note that psyllium absorbs water rapidly and the mix should be taken immediately or else it will become too thick to swallow.
When taking commercially prepared psyllium, take as directed in the product label.Psyllium can be taken 30 minutes before meal for weight loss regimen while for other purposes, psyllium can be taken in the morning or upon bedtime.



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Psyllium Husk Extract Powder

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Psyllium Husk Extract Powder


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