7. Pflanzenextrakt

» 7. Pflanzenextrakt

Pulverisiertes Papain-Enzym von ausgezeichneter Qualität für Gesundheitsprodukte

7. Pflanzenextrakt
  • Produktbeschreibung
Name Papain
Aussehen Milchweißes bis hellgelbes Pulver
Quelle Papaya
Lateinischer Name Chaenomeles sinensis (Du) Köhne
Teil Gebraucht Obst
CAS-NR 9001-73-4
spec. 60,000U/G—2400,000U/G
Paket Beutel aus Aluminiumfolie / Trommel

Wissen Sie Papain?

Papain ist die Verwendung von Bio-Engineering-Pflanzen aus unreifen Papaya-Fruchtextrakten aus biologischen und natürlichen Produkten, es besteht aus 212 Aminosäuren, Molekulargewicht für 21000, gehören dazu, Schwefel zu enthalten (Sch) Peptidkettenenzyme, besitzt die Protease- und Esteraktivität des Enzyms, und weisen ein breites Spezifitätsspektrum auf, Eiweiß, Polypeptid von Pflanzen und Tieren, Ester, Amide, usw. haben eine starke Fähigkeit zur Enzymlösung, sondern besitzt auch die Fähigkeit zur Synthese, der Proteinhydrolysegehalt, um proteinartiges Material zu synthetisieren, Diese Fähigkeit kann genutzt werden, um den Nährwert pflanzlicher und tierischer Proteine ​​in ihrer Natur oder Funktion zu verbessern.Produktfunktion1. Support digestion
Papain has strong digestive properties and has been commonly used in South America as a digestive support for meat eating. Digestive enzymes are essential to the bodys absorption and full use of food. It works by breaking down complex proteins and tough meat fibers into simple amino acids for easy assimilation back into the body.

2. Entzündungshemmende
Papain has shown to be useful as an anti inflammatory and may help in cases of surgical or accidental trauma, sore throat and swelling. It works by reducing pain and swelling and accelerating the healing process.

3. Skin and wound care
Papain has the ability to dissolve dead tissue without damaging living cells. An ointment, containing papain and urea, is available by prescription in the United States to debride necrotic tissue and liquefy slough in a variety of short- and long-term lesions, including pressure ulcers.
4. Antioxidans
Papain exhibits antioxidant properties and may aid in protecting the body from cellular damage caused by free radicals, which contribute to disease formation and the signs of aging.
It is also a powerful antioxidant agent commonly used in food preservation, as it reduces bacterial infestations and spoilage due to oxidation. One study published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that papain can offer a potential alternative to chemical additives for increased survival of probiotic bacteria in yogurt due to its Antioxidant properties.
Produktanwendung1. Die physiologische Wirkung D-Mannose PulverThe drugs containing Papain have the functions of anti-cancer, Anti-Tumor, anti-lymphatic leukemia, anti-lysogenic bacteriums and anti-parasite, anti-tubercle bacillus and etc. It can diminish inflammation lidan pain helps digestion, treatment womens illnesses, Glaukom, osteoproliferation, Gun knife wound healing, Blood type identification, Mosquito bites and so on.
2. Nahrungsmittelindustrie
By adopting enzymatic reaction, can make Food macromolecules hydrolysis into small molecular peptide or amino acids, to effectively transform protein, greatly improve the food nutrition value, be helpful for the absorption and digestion of human body.

3.Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Add Enzyme in to cosmetic which contains protein, oils and fats, has special functions of whitening tinder skin, beautify, Gesundheitspflege, dispel spot remove dirt, improve metabolism, improve skin and etc. Can be made to diet tea, skin care products and etc.
Produkte empfehlenLass uns sein (Irisches Moos) PulverCollagen mit MCT-Öl-Pulver Schoko-Geschmack
MCT ÖLPULVER(Mittelkettigen Triglyceriden)HEISSE PRODUKTE-SUPERFOODSKontaktinformation

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