Produktname |
argan oil |
Farbe |
Flüssigkeit |
Eigenschaften |
Haarpflege, Feuchtigkeits-, reparatur, scheinen, glatt, Arganöl in loser Schüttung, Haar Öl |
Haltbarkeit |
24 Monate |
Argan oil is extracted from the fruits of the Argan Tree. These trees are commonly found in Morocco and extracted oil is used by rural economy. There are two grades of Argan oil which include culinary Argan oil grade and cosmetic Argan oil grade. Culinary grade is a roasted Argan oil form which is used as a vegetable oil and in salads, couscous, Amlou and bread. Cosmetic Argan oil grade is unrefined/unroasted form which is used in skin care and hair treatment products.
Organic Virgin Argan Oil remains one of the most difficult oils to procure. A very labor-intensive process, performed primarily by Moroccan women, is required to shell and crush premium quality Argan fruits prior to pressing the oil. Organic Virgin Argan Oil is then produced by mechanically cold pressing the crushed fruits. It is then carefully packaged and stored to maintain the purity,freshness and beneficial properties of this remarkably nutritive, cold pressed oil.
Argan oils are widely used in cosmetic products which mainly include moisturizers, Reinigungsmittel, anti-aging and environmental skin defense products, Körperpflege, and hair treatment. Food segment consumes roasted Argan oil for cooking as a vegetable oil and in breads, Salate, couscous & Amlou. Medical segment consumed Argan oils for curing serious diseases such as arthritis, Fettleibigkeit, Diabetes, and cancer treatment. The segment is still undergoing research process to identify medical benefits of Argan oil.
ÖLE ( Wesentlich& Trägeröle)KarottenölSüßes Mandelöl Knoblauchöl Arganöl Aloe-Vera-Öl Nachtkerzenöl Jojobaöl
Sesamöl Lavendel Öl Avocadoöl Pfefferminz Öl Rizinusöl Salatöl Kamillenöl Hagebuttenöl Teebaumöl Ylang-Ylang-Öl
WeihrauchölGeranienöl Emuöl Hanfsamenöl Schwarzkümmelöl Bulgarisches Rosenwasser Flüssiges Kokosöl Minzöl Traubenkernöl
ZypressenölFenchelölNelken-Basilikum-ÖlRosemary oilOregano oilZitrusölSonnenblumenölWeizenkeimöl