• deer velvet antler deer antler extract powder 5:1 10:1 20:1

    1. ALL PRODUCT , ,

    Product name Deer Velvet Antler Extract
    Latin name: Cervus nippon Temminck
    Appearance: brown fin e powder
    Specification:10:1. 5:1
    Test method: UV
    CAS NO: 520-998-776

    • Product Description


    Product name Deer Velvet Antler Extract
    Latin name: Cervus nippon Temminck
    Appearance: brown fin e powder
    Specification:10:1. 5:1
    Test method: UV
    CAS NO: 520-998-776

    What is Deer Anlter Powder?

    Deer Antler Velvet is a safe and natural treatment for boosting the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells. Antler Velvet products have been shown to improve cell growth and to have anti-tumor components.
    In the past, and unfortunately at the present time, steroids and other related potentially harmful medications are being used to treat arthritis with very often devastating results. These drugs mask and often exacerbate the disease over a period of time.
    Deer antler velvet is traditionally regarded for its powerful rejuvenating ualities.
    Deer antler velvet has long been appreciated as a very safe and natural supplement, prized in the Orient for over 2000 years.

    How about the functions?

    1.Natural source of IGF-1 and growth hormones
    2. Proven faster recovery from physical exertion and injury
    3. Provides nutritional support for bone and joint structure and function
    4. Higher energy levels
    5. Increase muscular strength, endurance and lean body mass
    6. Build a powerful immune system
    7.Look and feel younger
    8. More youthful skin and hair
    9. Enhance Sexual Functioning for both men and women

    Application of Deer Anlter Powder

    1.Deer antler powder can inflammation;
    2.Deer antler powder can helps osteoporosis;
    3.Deer antler powder can arthritis pain relief;
    4.Deer antler powder can improves blood circulation;
    5.Deer antler powder can strong antibacterial properties;
    6.Deer antler powder can stimulating the immune system;
    7.Deer antler powder improved muscle recovery after exercise;
    8.Deer antler powder improved athletic performance and strength;
    9. Deer antler powder can providing vitality and anti -ageing properties for seniors;
    10. Deer antler powder can enhancing sexual functioning for both men and women.

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality deer antler extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

    Enquiry Form (we will get back to you ASAP)


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