7. extracto botánico

» 7. extracto botánico

Fabricación GMP, extracto de canela y cinnulina sin OGM, gran oferta

7. extracto botánico
  • Descripción del producto
Product- Hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract
Hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract
Specifications- Hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract

nombre del producto:  hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract


Apariencia: Brown red fine powder

Tamaño de partícula: 100% pasar 80mesh

Nombre latino: Cortex Cinnamomi Cassiae
origen vegetal: Cinnamomum Cassia Presl
Parte de la planta utilizada: Ladrar(100%Natural, Seco)
Extraer método: Agua
Solubilidad del agua: 95%

Product Description-  Hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract

Cinnamon bark comes from a small evergreen tree(Cinnamomum verum), that is native to India

ySri Lanka,where it has been traditionally used as a spice.Cinnamon bark is a very common

 ingredientein products such as toothpaste, enjuague bucal, chicle, and soft drinks. Also many

feel it ithelpful in handling certain ailments and other issues. Herbalists recommend cinnamon bark

 to helpwith digestive problems, náusea, vómitos, Diarrea, asthma brought on by coldbackache

menstrual problems, etc..Scientists at the Agricultural Research Service have found polyphenolic

polymer compoundsfrom cinnamon barkthat could become natural ingredients in products aimed

at lowering blood sugar levels. Recent studies demonstratethat watersoluble polymeric compounds

isolated from cinnamon basrk have insulinenhancing biological activity inthe in vitro assay

measuring the insulindependent effects on glucosetabolism and also function as antioxidants.

Cinnamaldehyde is the main constituent of oils of cassiacinnamon barks and roots.

Health Function- Hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract
-Un estimulante tradicional en la medicina china, cinnamon cinnulin extract has a thermogenic effect on the body.
– doinnamon cinnulin extract is helpful in supporting the digestive system, la corteza de canela ayuda a descomponer las grasas en el sistema digestivo, por lo que es una valiosa ayuda digestiva.
doinnamon cinnulin extract has effect on fevers and colds, la tos y la bronquitis, infección y la cicatrización de heridas, algunas formas de asma, e incluso la reducción de la presión arterial.
doinnamon cinnulin extract contains antibacterial, antiséptico, antivirulento, antiespasmódico, y propiedades antifúngicas que ayudan a prevenir infecciones al matar las bacterias que causan las caries., hongos, y virus. 
Applications- Hot sale cinnamon cinnulin extract
– Se aplica en el campo de los alimentos, doinnamon cinnulin extractused as raw materials of tea get good reputation;
– Se aplica en el campo de productos de salud , doinnamon cinnulin extract can be used as the raw materials to enhance the immunity of human body;
– Aplicado en campo farmacéutico, to be added into capsule to reduce blood sugar.



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