12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

Polvo de ubiquinol de fabricación de GMP para productos sanitarios

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto


-Product Description-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


nombre del producto:  Coenzima Q10

Apariencia:  naranja Polvo

Especificación:  10%

Detalle de Envio:Inmediatamente 

-Introduction-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


  Co Q10is a quinone, which is a substance that helps provide energy to cells in all oxygen-breathing organisms. Researchers first discovered coenzyme Q10 in 1957, and first named it ubiquinone, because it was a quinone that was found in every cell of the body (the prefix ubi means everywhere). Later studies showed that ubiquinone acts as a coenzyme in the body, without which the three enzymes that provide energy to the body cannot function.


-Application-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product

1 Suplementos dietéticos

2 Alimentos y bebidas aditivos

3 Ingredientes farmacéuticos


-Function-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product



1.Anti-Aging As a strong antioxidant Co Q10 protects cells from chemicals and other harmful factors.

2.Anti-oxidant Co Q10 naturally prevents our body and cells from free radicals damage and works as a shieldagainst harmful effects.

3.Muscles are also in need of this enzymedue to its energy boosting quality. Experiments proved that peoplewho had a balanced Co Q10 level were more energetic and vigorous

4.heart-related problems It is proven helpful in treating heart-related problems such as congestive heartfailure and to lower high blood pressure.

Polvo de ubiquinol de fabricación de GMP para productos sanitarios


Polvo de ubiquinol de fabricación de GMP para productos sanitarios


EMBALAJE& SHIPPING OF GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


NUESTRA EMPRESA-Insecticida natural Aceite de piretro / Extracto de piretro 50% Extracto de aceite / piretro


FAQ of GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product

Polvo de ubiquinol de fabricación de GMP para productos sanitarios


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