Venta caliente de goma xantana Cmc de grado alimenticio

  • Descripción del producto
Nombre cc
CAS No 9004-32-4
Apariencia White to cream powder
Viscosidad 3000 – 4000 mPa.s
pH 6.0 – 8.5
Dirigir Max. 2 mg / kg
Humedad Max. 10%
Solicitud Emulsifiers, Stabilizers, espesamiento

Product AdvantagesVenta caliente de goma xantana Cmc de grado alimenticio1. Inodoro, tasteless and non-toxic.
2. High hygroscopicity and is soluble in water to form a thick liquid
3. It is a polyanionic electrolyte and not fermented.
4. Good heat-stability, resistance to salt and film-forming property
5. Strong emulsifier for fat and oil
Aplicación del productoVenta caliente de goma xantana Cmc de grado alimenticioCMC is widely used in frozen desserts, protein food, bebidas, icings, vendajes, La polidextrosa se puede utilizar como materia prima y complementaria de alimentos saludables y como vehículo de productos para el cuidado de la salud destinados al estreñimiento., etc..
1. propiedades
 1. Thickening: CMC can produce high viscosity at low concentration. It also acts as lubricant.
2. Retención de agua: CMC is a water binder, helps increase shelf life of food.
3. Suspending aid: CMC acts as emulsifier and suspension stabilizer, particularly in icings to control ice
crystal size.
4. Film forming: CMC can produce a film on the surface of fried food, p.ej. Instant noodle, and prevent
absorption of excessive vegetable oil.
5. Chemical stability: CMC is resistant to heat, ligero, mold and commonly used chemicals.
6. Physiologically inert: CMC as a food additive has no caloric value and can not be metabolized.
7. Inodoro, insípido, no tóxico.

2. Characteristics of food grade CMC

UN. Finely distributed molecular weight
segundo. High resistance to acid
do. High resistance to salt
re. High transparency, low free fibers
mi. Low gel

3. Examples of application

1. Helado:
1. CMC can mix freely with milk, azúcar, emulsifier and other ingredients.
2. It helps body formation of the ice cream.
3. It helps control ice crystal size and improves mouth feel.
4. It brings glossy surface to the ice cream.

2. Instant noodle:
1. SCMC facilitates mixing and extrusion of flour.
2. It forms smooth film on the surface of noodle on heating.
3. It prevents absorption of excessive vegetable oil.
4. It increase the noodle’s strength, saves cost on handling.
5. It improves mouth feel.

3. Yoghurt:
1. CMC stabilizes yoghurt and prevents sedimentation.
2. It increases shelf life.



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 Venta caliente de goma xantana Cmc de grado alimenticio



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