12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

Polvo de jengibre instantáneo Nature del fabricante ISO

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto


-Product Description-ISO manufacturer Nature instant ginger powder



nombre del producto: Water soluble ginger root gingerols

parte usada: ginger root gingerols

Apariencia:polvo amarillo claro
Especificación: 5% / 10% /20% Water soluble gingerols
Las fuentes botánicas: Zingiber officinale Roscoe
Ingrediente activo: Water soluble ginger root gingerolsDetalle de Envio:Inmediatamente


Introduction-ISO manufacturer Nature instant ginger powder



1 Water soluble ginger root gingerols is a spice which is used for cooking and is also consumed whole as a delicacy or medicine. It is the underground stem of the ginger plant, Zingiber officinale.

2  Jengibre, el tallo subterráneo, o rizoma, de la planta Zingiber officinale se ha utilizado como medicina en Asia, indio, and Arabic herbal traditions since ancient times.

3  Además de estos usos medicinales, ginger continues to be valued around the world as an important cooking spice and is believed to help the common cold, síntomas parecidos a la gripe, dolores de cabeza, and even painful menstual periods.


-Application-ISO manufacturer Nature instant ginger powder




Water soluble ginger root gingerols is widely used as an important spice as well as a digestive aid for mild stomach

trastornado, it can also be used to help prevent or treat nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness

el embarazo, and cancer chemotherapy. In additionit can be used to help treat arthritis, cólico, diarrhea and heart disease.

 1.Anti-oxidante, eliminando eficazmente los radicales libres;

 2.With the function of perspirationand alleviating the fatigue, debilidad, anorexia y otros sintomas;

 3.Promover el apetito, calmar un malestar estomacal;

 4.antibacteriano, aliviar el dolor de cabeza, mareo, náuseas y otros síntomas.



-More details-ISO manufacturer Nature instant ginger powder



Embalaje:1kg / bolsa, 25kgs / tambor de dos bolsas de plástico dentro y papel-tambores o los requerimientos del cliente.

Almacenamiento:Almacenar en apretada, recipientes resistentes a la luz, evitar la exposición a la luz solar directa, la humedad y el calor excesivo.Duracion:24 meses si se almacena correctamente.


High quantity Top Grade Halal Approved water soluble ginger root gingerols in stock

High quantity ISO manufacturer Nature instant ginger powder


Natural ISO manufacturer Nature instant ginger powder


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Natural Hrebal Extract ISO Appreved Nature instant ginger powder


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