12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

Powderd Excellent Quality fucus vesiculosus For Health Product

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto
nombre del producto Bladder Wrack Powder Nombre latino Descripción del producto: extracto de algas marinas kombu kelp de fabricación GMP con precio barato.
Parte de los equipos usados Hoja Tipo Extracto de hierbas
Ingredientes activos fucoxanthin / El fucoidan Especificación 0.1%~2% Iodine
80% 85% 90% 95% El fucoidan
10% Fucoxantine
4:1 a 20:1
Apariencia Brownish Green to Yellow Fine Powder Marca ahrib Ina ः
Método de prueba HPLC / UV / TLC tamaño 100% Pasar 80 Malla
MOQ 1kg Lugar de origen Xi'an, China (Continente)
Berberina HCL 2 Años Almacenamiento Berberina HCL

Fucus vesiculosus is also known by the names Black Tang, Rockweed, Bladder Fucus,Seawrack, Sea Oak, Black Tany, Cut Weed, and Rockwrack. Bladderwrack is a typeof seaweed found on the coasts of the North Sea, the western Baltic Sea, andthe Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A common food in Japan, it is used as an additive and flavoringin various food products in Europe.Bladderwrack is commonly found as a component of Kelp tablets or powders usedas nutritional supplements. It is sometimes loosely called Kelp, pero
that termtechnically refers to a different seaweed. Primary chemical constituents ofthis plant include mucilage, algin, manitol, betacaroteno, zeaxantina,yodo, bromine, potasio, volatile oils, and many other minerals. The mainuse of Bladderwrack (and other types of seaweed) in herbal medicine is as asource of iodine, an essential nutrient for the thyroid gland.
Fucus is a sticker attached to the rocks on the shore grow kelp, which gathered the rich marine life of France Brittany coast, tapping can be made at low tide. Its algae body is dark brown, into a pair of forked branches, flattened Horn. Moisturizing properties of glutamic acid can increase skin soft and smooth.
Función del producto1. Fucus vesiculosus Powder with similar polysaccharide structure to heparin, que contiene de;
2. Fucus vesiculosus Powder has the inhibiting effect on the replication of several coated virus, such as human immunodeficiency and human cytomegalovims;

3. Además de inhibir el crecimiento de células cancerosas, también puede contener el difusa de células tumorales mediante la mejora de la inmunidad;

4. Fucus vesiculosus Powder can obviously reduce the content of serum cholesterol and triglyceride. Además, no tiene tal daño en el hígado y el riñón, u otros efectos secundarios;

5. Fucus vesiculosus Powder has the function of antidiabetics, Protección de radiación, antioxidante, la inhibición de la absorción de metales pesados ​​fluctuar, y la restricción de los mamíferos zona-unión combinado.
Aplicación del producto1. Fucus vesiculosus Powder can activating UCP1 protein, promoting adipose decompose.
2. Fucus vesiculosus Powder can stimulating the liver lower cholesterol levels of DHA generated.

3. Fucus vesiculosus Powder can preventing women various gynecological inflammation has good effect.

4. Fucus vesiculosus Powder can antioxidant.
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