12.pigmento natural

» 12.pigmento natural

Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa

12.pigmento natural
  • Descripción del producto


-Product Description-Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa



Raw Material Turmeric Extract Curcumin

nombre del producto:Turmeric Extract Powder curcumin

Nombre botánico:Curcuma aromatica Salisb.

parte usada:Raíz

Ingredientes activos:La curcumina, Curcuminoids



-Introduction-Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa



También se conoce como cúrcuma., que es nativo de la India y el sur de Asia y se cultiva ampliamente en la India, 

China, Indonesia and other tropical countries. It grows well in humid climate. The extracts are taken fromthe rhizome

que tiene un característico color amarillo brillante.

Turmeric contains 0.3-5.4% curcumin

un aceite volátil de color amarillo anaranjado compuesto principalmente de turmerona,atlantone and zingiberone.

Curcumin provides 95% Curcuminoids .Also it contains sugars, proteína, vitaminas y minerales.


-Application-Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa


1. antioxidante

2. anticancerígeno

3. Anti-inflamatorio

4. Cardiovascular

5. Hepático

6. Gastrointestinal

7. Agente antimicrobiano.



-Function-Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa



1)curcumin has strong antioxidant capacity for tetardingaging .

2)Inhibition of DNA abnormal hyperplasia,cancer prevention effectivenss to achieve.

3)Reducir el colesterol

4)Regulation liver gunctions,and improve liver disease

5)Has effect on the loss of appetite,indigestión,and other diseases of the digestive organs.

6)Turmeric is the tressure house of mineralshas the special effects on anemia

7)Stimulated strong liver function

Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa



Top Grade ISO Certified turmeric importers in usa



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