7. extracto botánico

» 7. extracto botánico

Calidad superior 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo

7. extracto botánico
  • Descripción del producto


-Product Description-Top Quality 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo


nombre del producto: Extracto de Loto Azul
Nombre latino: Folium Nelumbinis
parte usada: Flor
Ingrediente activo: Nuciferine 2%-98%flavone
Método de prueba: UV / HPLC
Especificación: 10:1 20:1
Apariencia: Polvo fino de color marrón
Tamaño de malla: 80 Malla
Grado: Comida


-Introduction-Top Quality 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo



Blue Lotus Extract is a genus of aquatic plants with large, showy flowers. Members are commonly called lotus, though "lotus" is a name also applied to various other plants and plant groups, including the unrelated genus Lotus. Members outwardly resemble those in the family Nymphaeaceae (water lilies), but Nelumbo is actually very distant to Nymphaeaceae. "Nelumbo" is derived from the Sinhalese word Nelum. There are only two known living species in the genus. The sacred lotus (norte. nucifera) is native to Asia, and is the better known of the two. It is commonly cultivated, and also used in Chinese medicine and cooking. This species is the national flower of India and Vietnam. The American lotus (norte. lutea) is native to North America and the Caribbean. Horticultural hybrids have been produced between these two geographically separated species. A third, extinct species, norte. aureavallis, is known from Eocene fossils from North Dakota, United States.



-Application-Top Quality 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo



1. Se aplica en el campo de los alimentos, Blue Lotus Extract’s used as food additive with the function of lengthening life.
2. Aplicado en campo farmacéutico, Blue Lotus Extract is frequently used as medicine supplement or OTCs ingredients and owns good efficacy for treatment of cancer and cardio-cerebrovascular disease.
3. Aplicado en cosméticos, Blue Lotus Extract can delay aging and prevent UV radiation.



-Function-Top Quality 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo



1. Nymphaea Caerulea extract has the function of weight control.
2. Nymphaea Caerulea extract can adjust blood lipids and expectorant.
3. Nymphaea Caerulea extract is used as anticoagulant and antidote in medicine.
4. Nymphaea Caerulea extract has strong effect on lowering the blood pressure
5. Nymphaea Caerulea extract has become popular to lower blood cholesterol
6. Nymphaea Caerulea extract can treat fatty liver and promote blood circulation.



 Calidad superior 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo


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Calidad superior 2019 extracto de loto azul 200:1 Con precio competitivo



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