7. Botanical Extract

» 7. Botanical Extract

Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price

7. Botanical Extract
  • Product Description


-Product Description-Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price

Product name: Apigenin
CHEMICAL NAME: 4,5,7-trihydroxyflavone
Appearance: Yellow fine Powder
CAS NO.: 520-36-5
Specification: 98%
Molecular formula: C15H1005
Molecular Weight: 270.25
Extract solvent: Dilute KOH solution
Storage: Good sealed container away from light and heat.


-Introduction-Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price


High quality apigenin is a natural antioxidant, which can inhibit the activity of carcinogenic substances;as an antiviral drug to treatment for HIV and other virus infected; treat various inflammations; calm and soothe the nerves; buck. Compared With other flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol flavonoids),apigenin is low toxicity and no mutagenicity.


-Application-Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price


(1) Apigenin has long been used as an after-meal and bedtime drink;
(2) Chamomile extract apigenin used for it’s soothing effects and ability to support normal tone in the digestive tract;
(3) Apigenin powder used for a variety of ailments including: colic (especially in children), bloat,mild upper respiratory infections,premenstrual pain, anxiety
and insomnia;
(4) Chamomile apigenin treat sore and chapped nipples in nursing mothers,
as well as minor skin infections and abrasions.
(5) Eye drops made from these herbs are also used for tired eyes and mild
ocular infections.



-Function-Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price




1. Used for it’s soothing effects and ability to support normal tone in the  digestive tract.
2. Used for a variety of ailments including: colic (especially in children), bloat,  mild upper respiratory infections,premenstrual pain, anxiety and insomnia.


Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price

Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price


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Factory supply Apigenin 98% best price


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