-Product Description-Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements
Nom du produit: Alfalfa Extract
nom latin: Medicago sativa
Ingrédient actif: luzerne saponines
spécification: saponine 5%, 20%,40%; flavones 5%, 20%
La source: Alfalfa
extraction partie: plante entière
Apparence: poudre brune
-Introduction-Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements
Alfalfa is a plant with long history of use around the world as a livestock feed. Middle-Eastern cultures have long used alfalfa as fodder for horses claiming increased speed and strength of the animals and leading to the name “Al-fal-fa” meaning “father of all foods.” The fiber-rich alfalfa plant, like beans and peas, is a member of the legume family and can be found in modern dietary supplements as an ingredient targeted to lowering cholesterol, increasing energy levels and “detoxifying” the blood.
-Application-Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements
1. Appliqué dans le domaine des produits de santé
2. Appliqué dans le domaine pharmaceutique
-Function-Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements
Utilisé comme tonique nutritif
A des propriétés anti-hémorragiques et diurétiques
Favorise la digestion et l'assimilation des vitamines, minéraux
Bloque l'absorption du cholestérol et prévient la formation de la plaque d'athérome
Riche en chlorophylle détoxifiant
Augmente l'endurance et la force
Haut en phytoestrogènes – stimule les fonctions hormonales
Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements
Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements
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Alfalfa hay extract For Nutritional Supplements