12.pigment naturel

» 12.pigment naturel

Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price

12.pigment naturel
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  • Description du produit


-Product Description-Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


Nom du produit:   hordenine

Nom latin:  Hordeum vulgare L.

Apparence:    blanc Poudre

spécification:  98%

détail de livraison:Immédiatement 

-Introduction-Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


   Hordenine is a natural phenylethylamine-related chemical that occurs in a number of different plants such as barley grassand bitter orange. Aussi connu sous le nom N,N-dimethyltyramine, ce composé est un dérivé N-méthyle de l'acide aminé tyramine.

The compound Hordenine can be found in a variety of different grassy plants, céréales, as well as a few species of cactus.It’s related to the amino acid tyramine.


-Application-Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


1) Utilisé comme un supplément de santé pour augmenter l'énergie et contrôler l'appétit.
2) Utilisé pour soulager la bronchite et l'asthme.
3) Utilisé comme additif alimentaire(Tels que brassage de la bière et du whisky).




-Function-Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price



1)Protecting from radioactivity.
2).Enhancing the tension and movement of uterus.
3).Using to relieve bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
4).Having hypoglycemic effect, suitable for human consumption in diabetes.
5).Alleviating the effect of gastrointestinal inflammationparticularly suitable for patients.
 recovering from drinking.

Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


EMBALLAGE& SHIPPING OF Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


NOTRE ENTREPRISE-Insecticide naturel huile de pyrèthre/extrait de pyrèthre 50% Extrait d'huile/pyrèthre


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Best Made in China wattle extract With Competitive Price


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