12.pigment naturel

» 12.pigment naturel

Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements

12.pigment naturel
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  • Description du produit


-Product Description-Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements


Nom du produit: Aronia Extract 

Nom latin:    Aronia melanocarpa L.

Apparence:   Purple Red Fine powder

spécification:  15% anthocyane

Méthode d'essai:  CCM

détail de livraison:Immédiatement 

-Introduction-Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements


  Aronia sometimes called black chokeberry, is a deciduous shrub native to eastern North America. It is sometimes used in landscapes for its creamy white flowers in late spring, and colorful flame red autumn foliage contrasted with dark berries. Aronia is cold hardy and its late blooming period avoids damage by spring frosts. The plants tolerate various soils but prefer slightly acidic soils. Mature plants may be up to 8 feet tall and have up to 40 canes per bush. Numerous suckers are produced from the roots and fill in the space between the plants like a hedgerow. Thinning of older canes is recommended every few years to avoid dense growth and poor light exposure. Reduced light decreases productivity. The plants are well adapted to many areas of North America and appear to be little affected by either pests or disease. Aronia clearly has potential for use as an alternative commercial fruit crop that may be suited to organic farming.


-Application-Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements

Aronia chokeberry Extract contains very high levels of anthocyanins (source of red color) and flavonoids. Levels of anthocyanins and flavonoids are over five times greater than those found in cranberries. Aronia also has been reported to contain antioxidants, polyphénols, minéraux et vitamines. It has been alleged that some of these chemicals specifically reduce the potential for cancer and heart disease.

(1) Pharmaceutical chemical raw materials and dietary supplement ingredients,

(2) Pesticides and plant growth regulator materials,

(3) Veterinary API and feed additives raw materials.



-Function-Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements



Aronia chokeberry Extract contains very high levels of anthocyanins (source of red color) and flavonoids. Levels of anthocyanins and flavonoids are over five times greater than those found in cranberries. Aronia also has been reported to contain antioxidants, polyphénols, minéraux et vitamines. It has been alleged that some of these chemicals specifically reduce the potential for cancer and heart disease.

Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements


Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements


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NOTRE ENTREPRISE-Insecticide naturel huile de pyrèthre/extrait de pyrèthre 50% Extrait d'huile/pyrèthre


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Better quality tart cherry extract For Nutritional Supplements


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