-Product Description-Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
Nom du produit: Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root Extract
Nom latin: Radix Saposhnikoviae
Apparence: marron Poudre
spécification: 5:1 10:1 20:1 ect
Méthode d'essai: CCM
détail de livraison:Immédiatement
-Introduction-Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
Long conical or long cylindrical, gradually tapering towards the lower part, some slightly tortuous, 15~30 cm long, 0.5~2 cm in diameter. Externally grayish-brown, rugged, with longitudinal wrinkles, numerous transverse-elongated lenticels and dotted raised rootlet scars. Root stock with obvious dense annulations, some annulations marked by brown hair like remains of leaf bases. Texture light, easily broken, fracture uneven, bark brownish and cracked, wood yellowish.
-Application-Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
1. Médicament.
2. Santé & Daily Chemicals.
3. Aliments & Animal feed.
-Function-Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
1). Dissiper le vent
2). Treatment for cold , headache and body ache
3). Treatment for lockjaw
Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
EMBALLAGE& SHIPPING OF Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
NOTRE ENTREPRISE-Insecticide naturel huile de pyrèthre/extrait de pyrèthre 50% Extrait d'huile/pyrèthre
FAQ of Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price
Factory Supply natural saposhnikovia divaricata With Competitive Price