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GMP usine d'approvisionnement d'herbes extrait de graines de citrouille biologique biologique

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  • Description du produit


 Product Description of GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract



Nom Produits extrait de pépins de citrouille
Nom botanique Cucurbita moschata
Apparence  Brown poudre fine
La taille des particules 100% passer 80mesh
spécification 10:1;20:1;25% Fatty Acid



 Introduction of GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract



Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder are high in protein content of protein and dietary fiber, low fat and sodium content, making it the first choice for those looking to optimize, enhance physical fitness of the population in many vegetable proteins. For dieters who need a low-calorie diet, replacing some of the protein in the diet withPumpkin Seed Protein not only reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, but also achieves a balanced diet.Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder are also rich in soy oleic acid, which can nourish brain cells and remove blood vessel wall deposits, thereby improving brain function and improving cerebral blood circulation, which can prevent atherosclerosis to a certain extent.



 Application or GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract


As raw material of drugs for eliminating insecticide, gonflement, and pertussis, it is widely used in pharmaceutical industry;

As product of treating malnutrition and prostate, il est largement utilisé dans l'industrie de la santé.

Pumpkin is also a natural source of magnesium,phosphore,zinc,vitamine A,et de la vitamine C.

Pumpkin seed is used medicinally to help improve bowel function by ridding the intestinal tract of parasites and worms such as tapeworm,roundworm,schistosome,hookworm.

treatment of postpartum edema

treatment of postpartum milk less. 



Function of GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract

1.Pumpkin seed is used medicinally to help improve bowel function by ridding the intestinal tract of parasites and worms.
2.Pumpkin seed extract can help to prevent the prostate disease.
3.The cushaw seed extract have much acid , cet acide peut détendre l'angine de poitrine repos, et ont une fonction de bas liquide artérielle.
4.The cushaw extract is also a laxative, ce qui peut aider à l'humidité de la peau, est en effet un aliment de bonne beauté pour les femmes.



GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract


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GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract


GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract


PRODUITS HOT & GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract
GMP factory supply herb organic pumpkin seed extract


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