12.pigment naturel

» 12.pigment naturel

GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product

12.pigment naturel
demande de renseignements
  • Description du produit


-Product Description-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


Nom du produit:  Coenzyme Q10

Apparence:  Orange Poudre

spécification:  10%

détail de livraison:Immédiatement 

-Introduction-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


  Co Q10is a quinone, which is a substance that helps provide energy to cells in all oxygen-breathing organisms. Researchers first discovered coenzyme Q10 in 1957, and first named it ubiquinone, because it was a quinone that was found in every cell of the body (the prefix ubi means everywhere). Later studies showed that ubiquinone acts as a coenzyme in the body, without which the three enzymes that provide energy to the body cannot function.


-Application-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product

1 Compléments alimentaires

2 Aliments et boissons additif

3 Ingrédients pharmaceutiques


-Function-GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product



1.Anti-Aging As a strong antioxidant Co Q10 protects cells from chemicals and other harmful factors.

2.Anti-oxidant Co Q10 naturally prevents our body and cells from free radicals damage and works as a shieldagainst harmful effects.

3.Muscles are also in need of this enzymedue to its energy boosting quality. Experiments proved that peoplewho had a balanced Co Q10 level were more energetic and vigorous

4.heart-related problems It is proven helpful in treating heart-related problems such as congestive heartfailure and to lower high blood pressure.

GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


EMBALLAGE& SHIPPING OF GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


NOTRE ENTREPRISE-Insecticide naturel huile de pyrèthre/extrait de pyrèthre 50% Extrait d'huile/pyrèthre


FAQ of GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product

GMP Manufacture ubiquinol powder For Health Product


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