7. Extrait botanique

» 7. Extrait botanique

High quality cosmetic ingredient sponge spicule powder

7. Extrait botanique
demande de renseignements
  • Description du produit
Nom du produit Spongilla Powder
Partie de la plante Tout le corps
Regular Specification rapport:10:1,20:1
98% Spongilla Powder
Poudre droite
Application Pharmaceutique / Complément alimentaire / Cosmétique
Durée de conservation 2 années

Savez-vous Spongilla powder?

Spongilla powder has become popular in cosmetology. Spongilla is usually used in form of facial masks. Spongilla masks are good for different skin disorders. It is of great value for reduction of acne, bleus, pegmentation, spots from pimples and boils, for reduction of freckles and other kinds of pigmentation. Cosmetologists recommend using Spongilla for fatty skin, as it peels skin and makes it fresh and matt. You should not use Spongilla if you have dry and irritable skin and loose skin vessels. Spongilla is of great value for arthritis, radiculitis and rheumatism. It helps reduce inflammations and improves local circulation of blood.Fonction du produit100% natural spongilla lacustris, used for peeling curing for acne, taches de rousseur, wrinkles and so on. And with NO SIDE EFFECTS. It's a kind of microneedle which could stimulate skin blood circle. Use of spongilla spicules as a dermabrasion device or resurfacing modality.

Local tolerance tool, which is produced from freshwater sponges badyagi,is a colony ofcoelenterates animals Spongilla lacustris fragilis, Ephydatia fliviatilis. SpongeBob lives only in extremely pure fresh water with tap water and at certain temperatures.

The skeleton consists of badyagi petlistoy network of silica needles interconnected by organic mattersponginom. Ça aussi
includes phosphates,carbonates and organic matter.Step Badyagi based on mechanical stimulation of the skin,caused by the content of silicon needles.Application du produit1.Men's health Products
2.Spongille hydrolysée pour peeling cosmétique
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