• Description du produit

Grifola viande de corps de fruits frais, goût délicieux, saveur unique, stoechiométrique.Dispositif nutrition raisonnable teneur en acides aminés essentiels du corps humain est élevé, et la teneur en vitamines et minéraux sont riches. Le principal composant actif de fleur grifola est grifola protéoglycanes, le composant principal du polysaccharide est glucan, la structure de base est bêta – (1 6) glucane, containing a small amount of xylose and mannose.

Most of maitake’s health benefits seem to come from one main source. They contain beta-glucan, a polysaccharide compound thought to nourish the immune system by activating effector cells like macrophages, natural killer cells, and T cells. In addition to their role in general immunity, these types of antibodies also act against abnormal cells. The polysaccharide is also thought to be the source of the mushroom’s ability to possibly support healthy blood sugar levels. On top of all that, maitakes are also a natural source of minerals like potassium, calcium et de magnésium, Vitamines B, et acides aminés.

Aussitôt que 1992, the national cancer institute has confirmed that ash flower extract has anti-hiv effect.In addition to the anti-hiv effect of grifola flower found in the experiment, Dr. Hiroaki minami of Japan also found that grifola flower has curative effect on breast cancer, lung cancer and liver cancer.Also can improve the tumor chemotherapy brought about by a variety of adverse reactions, such as lack of appetite, vomissement, la nausée, hair loss and leukopenia and so on;It also relieves pain.

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