12.pigment naturel

» 12.pigment naturel

Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements

12.pigment naturel
demande de renseignements
  • Description du produit


-Product Description-Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements


Nom du produit: fish collagen
synonymes: collagène de poisson (Hydrolysé) USP/JP;Le collagène(poisson)
CAS: 9064-67-9
MF: (C12H1804N3)n
MW: 500-10000 Dalton
Einecs: 208-679-7
catégories de produits: fish collagen,aliments
Pureté: 99%,98% 

-Introduction-Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements



Our Fish collagen is mainly from the deep-sea fish skin, fish scales by enzyme directional cutting technologyto extract, mainly type I collagen, the product is rich in 19 sortes d'acides aminés, with high digestibility, this product in aqueous solution excellent thermal stability, and human skin has an excellent affinity, can be a good play to their penetration, hydratant, repair and other functions.


-Application-Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements

(1) Le collagène peut être utilisé comme des aliments sains; il peut prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires;
(2) Le collagène peut servir un aliment de calcium;
(3) Le collagène peut être utilisé comme additifs alimentaires;
(4) Le collagène peut être largement utilisé dans les aliments congelés, boissons, les produits laitiers, bonbons, gâteaux et ainsi de suite;
(5) Le collagène peut être utilisé pour les populations spéciales (Les femmes ménopausées);
(6) Le collagène peut être utilisé comme matériaux d'emballage alimentaire


-Function-Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements



1. Collagen forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure.Improves bone biomarkers favoring healthy bone growth. Demonstrates increased femur bone strength and flexib. supplements containing collagen helped decrease painful symptoms and improving joint function in people with osteoarthritis. As the supplement was absorbed, collagen accumulated in the cartilage, and this helped to rebuild the extracellular matrix.

2.Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body-it gives your skin strength and elasticity. referred to as the "youth protein", collagen accelerates the turnover of skin cells and provides support to the structure of your skin.

Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements

Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements


Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements


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Supplement contract manufacturing For Nutritional Supplements


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