Delicious and nutritious, red strawberries are easily one of the most popular berry fruits in the world. Originally native to Europe, strawberries are now widely cultivated as an important commercial crop in many temperate regions all over the world. With advancements in packaging, shipping and simple processing techniques such as freeze-drying, fruits such as strawberries are available all year round, and in a variety of formats for secondary processing. Typically freeze-dried fruits are available in whole, sliced, diced and powdered formats.

Freeze-drying removes moisture from food through sublimation, which turns water molecules into vapour therefore leaving skin, colour, fibers etc intact. The relatively gently process is well suited to the delicate nature of berries such as strawberries. Because the water is removed the resulting freeze-dried strawberry is light and crispy, but bursting with full flavour and natural goodness. The low moisture content <10%, means they have a naturally long shelf-life when stored correctly, and are light weight for easy transport. Freeze-dried strawberries are a delicious natural fruit snack, but they are also an ideal way for manufacturers to add the natural fresh appeal of fruit to food products such as breakfast cereals, cereal bars, chocolate and fruit teas.