7. Botanical Extract

» 7. Botanical Extract

Hot Sale China supply beetroot powder suppliers With Competitive Price

7. Botanical Extract
  • Product Description
Product Name: Beet Root Powder
Grade: Cosmetics Grade/Medical Grade/Food Grade
CAS NO: Latin name: Betavulgarisvar rubra
Specification: pure powder
Appearance: Red Powder
The min order quantity: 1kg
Delivery Detail: Immediately
The OEM service imaherb can supply the oem bag 100g/bag 200g/bag 8oz/bag

Do you know Beetroot?

Beetroot, formerly known as: chard, alias: beet, Latin name: Beta Vulgaris l. Englishname: beetroot, Chenopodiaceae, Beta biennials, conical to fusiform, juicy. Stem erect,much branched, with edges and color bars. Basal Ye Ju rounded, widely cultivated,variation is very large, is divided into several subspecies, varieties and forms. Manycultivated varieties are now in China, cited sources are mixed. Sweet taste. By the growthin Eastern Mediterranean coast called the wild sea beetroot plants evolved. Beetroot redflame of fire, now known as the flame cuisine. Beetroot leaf is also a kind of Ediblevegetables.
IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality extract powder for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.Product Function1.Beetroot benefits for skin includes its cleansing action
2.Beetroot is lowering high blood cholesterol and levels of triglycerides.

3.The juice of beetroot is effective in lowering high blood pressure.

4.Betaine in beetroot is beneficial for those with hypochlorhydria, a medical condition characterized by low levels of stomach acid.

5.It has also been contended that beetroot can help in fighting cancer causing compounds called nitrosamines.
Product Application1.Food: It is mainly used as a food additive as colorant and nutrient.
2.Pharmaceutical: It is used to alleviate visual fatigue, reduce possibility of AMD, cataract, retinopathy, myopia, floaters, and glaucoma.

3.Cosmetics: It is mainly used to whitening, anti-wrinkle and UV protection.

4.Feed: It is mainly used in feed additive for laying hens and table poultry to improve the color of egg yolk and chicken. Make high commercial value fishes more attractive such as salmon, trout and spectacular fish.
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MCT OIL POWDER(Medium Chain Triglyceride)Contact Information

ADD: No.12 Hanyao Road, Qujiang District, Xi'an,China
TEL: +86-29-89121514
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Web: www.imaherb.com
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