Function of Hypericum Perforatum Extract
1. Hypericum Perforatum Extract is widely known as an herbal treatment for depression. It is proposed that the mechanism of action of St. John’s wort is due to the inhibition of reuptake of certain neurotransmitters.
2. Hypericum Perforatum Extract is also being studied for anxiety because, in some studies on depression, people taking St. John’s wort also reported an improvement in anxiety.
3. Hypericum Perforatum Extracthas also been suggested as a possible treatment for OCD because the same medications (antidepressants) are often used for OCD, and because of promising results from a preliminary study. A later study on St. John’s wort, however, didn’t find it more effective than a placebo for OCD.
4. Some alternative practitioners recommend Hypericum Perforatum Extract for ear pain due to an ear infection (otitis media).
5. Hypericum Perforatum Extract
is being explored for smoking cessation. Although promising, well-designed studies are needed.

Application of Hypericum Perforatum Extract