What is alpha-lipoic acid?
Alpha-lipoic acid is an organic compound found in all human cells.
It’s made inside the mitochondrion — also known as the powerhouse of cells — where it helps enzymes turn nutrients into energy.
What’s more, it has powerful antioxidant properties.
Alpha-lipoic acid is both water- and fat-soluble, which allows it to work in every cell or tissue in the body. Meanwhile, most other antioxidants are either water- or fat-soluble.
For instance, vitamin C is only water-soluble, while vitamin E is only fat-soluble.
The antioxidant properties of alpha-lipoic acid have been linked to several benefits, including lower blood sugar levels, reduced inflammation, slowed skin aging, and improved nerve function.
Humans only produce alpha-lipoic acid in small amounts. That’s why many turn to certain foods or supplements to optimize their intake.
Animal products like red meat and organ meats are great sources of alpha-lipoic acid, but plant foods like broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, and Brussels sprouts also contain it.
That said, supplements can pack up to 1,000 times more alpha-lipoic acid than food sources.
1. Alpha lipoic acid can improve the growth performance and meat performance to increase economic benefits;
2. Alpha lipoic acid will be coordination of the metabolism of Sugar, Fat and Amino Acid to improve animal immune function;
3. Alpha lipoic acid used to protect and promote the absorption and transformation of VA,VE and other oxidation nutrients in feed as antioxidant;
4. Alpha lipoic acid have the effective to ensure and improve the production performance of livestock and poultry and egg production in heat-stress environment.
Alpha-lipoic acid has strong antioxidant properties, which may reduce inflammation and skin aging, promote healthy nerve function, lower heart disease risk factors, and slow the progression of memory loss disorders.