• Pine Bark Extract, Proanthocyanidin OPCs, Pine Bark Powder, Procyanidin

    1. ALL PRODUCT , , , , , , , , ,

    Product Name: Pine Bark Extract 
    Herb Source: Pinus massoniana Lamb
    Part Used: Bark
    Active Ingredients: Proanthocyanidin
    Appearance: Red-brown powder 
    Specifications: 95%, 80%
    Test Method: UV

    • Product Description

    Pine Bark Extract Details

    Product Name: Pine Bark Extract
    Herb Source: Pinus massoniana Lamb
    Part Used: Bark
    Active Ingredients: Proanthocyanidin
    Appearance: Red-brown powder
    Specifications: 95%, 80%
    Test Method: UV
    CAS#: 133248-87-0
    Pharmacology: Antioxidants play a key role of repairing and protecting cells in the body. They help protect against free radicals, which are damaging byproducts of metabolism and exposure to environmental pollutants. Free radical damage is believed to contribute to aging, as well as too severe conditions including heart disease and cancer. Common antioxidants are vitamins A, C, E, and the mineral selenium. Researchers have termed the group of antioxidants found in pine bark extract oligomeric proanthocyanidins, or OPCs for short. OPCs (also referred to as PCOs) are some of the most powerful antioxidants available. Much research has been conducted on OPCs and on pine bark extract. In France, pine bark extract and OPCs have been rigorously tested for safety and effectiveness, and pine bark extract is a registered drug. Pine bark extract has been shown to contain a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage and increases the effectiveness of vitamin C. Pine bark extract has been shown to help lower cholesterol, and to decrease the risk and severity of atherosclerosis, or damage to the arteries. It has been demonstrated to help strengthen and repair tissues made of collagen, a protein that builds blood vessels, skin, and connective tissue.

    What Is Pine Bark Extract ?

    Pine bark extract is extracted from the inner bark of pinus massoniana tree. Pine Bark Extract contains abundant proanthocyanidin, it is a bioflavonoid and another type of antioxidant. Proanthocyanidins (OPCs) are one class of flavonoid polyphenol phytonutrients which are effective antioxidative agents. Pine bark extract with procyanidins is can improve general immune system functioning and to enhance whole-body circulatory efficiency.

    Functions And Benefits Of Pine Bark Extract With OPCs

    1. Pine bark extract powder can treat heart diseases such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
    2. Natural pine bark extract is used for protecting against carcinogenesis and provide supplementation for sunscreen protection.
    3. Pine bark extract powder interfere with cancer cell growth and proliferation, as well as induce apoptosis.
    4. Natural pine bark extract powder is active against HIV by inhibiting virus expression and replication.
    5. Pine bark extract powder can inhibit oral sugar metabolism and retard grwoth of certain bacteria.
    6. Pine bark extract enhancing bone density and strength.

    Applications Of Pine Bark Extract With Proanthocyanidin

    1. As food additive and raw material, pine bark extract is widely used in the field of food and health products.
    2. Pine bark extract powder can be applied in pharmaceutical field as raw materials.
    3. Natural pine bark extract can be used in the cosmetics field as effectiveness factor.

    IMAHERB BIOTECH are mainly engaged in the production and sales of natural plant extract, natural PIgment, and organic super food which is mainly used in health products, cosmetics, chemicals, food additives and pharmaceuticals.

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