• Pubescent Holly Root Extract, Maodongqing Flavonoids, RadixIlicis Pubescentis P.E. Powder

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    Product Name: Pubescent Holly Root Extract
    Herb Source: Ilexpubescens Hook.et Arn.
    Part Used: Root
    Major Components: Maodongqing Flavonoids
    Specifications: 10:1, 20%
    Test Method: TLC/HPLC
    Appeaance: Brown fine powder

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Pubescent Holly Root Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

    • Product Description

    Pubescent Holly Root Extract Details

    Product Name: Pubescent Holly Root Extract

    Herb Source: Ilexpubescens Hook.et Arn.

    Part Used: Root

    Major Components: Maodongqing Flavonoids

    Specifications: 10:1, 20%

    Test Method: TLC/HPLC

    Appeaance: Brown fine powder

    Pharmacology: For coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, Xuezhu obliterans; topical burn treatment, burns, frostbite.

    What Is Pubescent Holly Root Extract?

    Pubescent holly root extract is extracted from a single herb “Mao Dong Qing” (Pubescent Holly Root), the main ingredient is maodongqing flavonoids. It can used for coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, Xuezhu obliterans; topical burn treatment, burns, frostbite.

    Functions And Benefits Of Pubescent Holly Root Extract

    1. Pubescent holly root extract can clear heat and be used for detoxification.

    2. Pubescent holly extract can promote blood circulation system.

    3. Mao Dong Qing extract can cure arteriosclerosis heart disease, acute heart block.

    4. It can cure burn and scald.

    5. Pubescent holly root powder can eliminate purulence.

    6. It can kill worm, cure ulceration.

    7. It can cure acariasis, lepra and chilblain.

    Applications Of Pubescent Holly Root Extract

    1. Applied in food field, it is widely used as functional food additive.

    2. Pubescent holly root extract can be applied in pharmaceutical field as raw materials.

    3. It can be used as raw material in health care products and supplement field.

    IMAHERB BIOTECH is one of the professional and credible top quality Pubescent Holly Root Extract for sale manufacturers, who is dedicated to produce the top quality organic products which is of great benefits to customers. If you want to know how to buy such products, welcome to contact us and we will offer you the best price.

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