3. Cosmetic Ingredient

» 3. Cosmetic Ingredient

Quillaja (quillaia) Saponaria Extract

3. Cosmetic Ingredient , ,

Quillaja (quillaia) is a natural GRAS (generally recognized as safe) food-grade surfactant ingredient (raw material) rich in saponins and sapogenins.
Spec/Specs:40% 50% Saponins

  • Product Description

Product Name:Quillaja Saponaria Extract
Botanical source: Quillaja Saponaria
Moisture content 2.0 – 7.0%
Fibre 0.01 – 0.5%
Proteins 3.5 – 7.0%
Ash 6.5 – 12.0%
Fats 0.01 – 0.5%
Carbohydrates 73.0 – 87.94%
It is soluble in water.

Garuda International’s Quillaja (quillaia) extract is an ingredient made from the concentrated purified extract of the outer cambium layer of the Quillaja Saponaria Molina tree, commonly identified as quillay bark, or soap bark, native to Chile. Quillaja Extract Powder is a perfect raw material for use in foods, beverages, natural soaps and shampoos.

Quillaja (quillaia) is a natural GRAS (generally recognized as safe) food-grade surfactant ingredient (raw material) rich in saponins and sapogenins. Quillaja extract powder raw material can be used to formulate liquid soaps without artificial saponification of fats or vegetable oils, the method used even to prepare what are often called “Natural” soaps. Quillaia is a natural soap-like ingredient by its very nature. Quillaja raw material can be used anywhere a non-ionic surfactant can be used. Quillaia raw material has been used for decades as an ingredient to create the foaming in beverages such as root beer, low-alcohol beers and foaming carbonated beverages.

Garuda’s quillaja (quillaia) extract powder will not impart the color or taste that is common in many other commercially available quillaja extract raw materials. It is a carefully refined ingredient from sustainably harvested quillay trees.
Quality Assurance
quillaja extract powder raw material has a shelf life in excess of two years without loss of foaming ability or ingredient integrity.

Quillaja Saponaria (Soapbark Extract) is an approved ingredient for use in Food and Beverages (GRAS) by the United States FDA under Title 21 CFR 172-510, FEMA number 2973. It is an approved ingredient for its use in the European Union under code E 999. Current CAS number: 068990-67-0 (Quillaja Saponin)

Carbonated beverages, slush type syrups, frozen carbonated beverages, bar mixes, beer, juices, wine coolers, schnapps, barley drinks, root beer and many other products needing exaggerated foam. For application in Root Beer: 100 – 150 grams per 1000 liters of syrup, Cream Soda and other Soft Drinks: 30 – 40 grams per 1000 liters of syrup, Slush Products/Frozen Carbonated Beverages: 400 to 1000 grams per 1000 liters of syrup, Cocktail Mixes: 700 grams to 1.5 kilograms per 1000 liters. The level of quillaja required to achieve the desired effect is quite variable, depending both on the product and the amount and quality of the foam desired. These suggested use levels above are average amounts. The actual level of quillaja raw material required is dependent upon the final product formulation. Other possible uses for quillaja extract powder are as an ingredient in cosmetics, soaps, natural foaming detergents and pharmaceuticals.

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