12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

100% Натуральный экстракт чертополоха поставкы фабрики/экстракт благословенного чертополоха

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12.Природный пигмент
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Product 100% Natural Factory Supply Holy Thistle Extract/Blessed Thistle Extract
 100% Натуральный экстракт чертополоха поставкы фабрики/экстракт благословенного чертополоха
Specifications 100% Natural Factory Supply Holy Thistle Extract/Blessed Thistle Extract


Наименование товара:  Blessed Thistle Extract

сертификат: Халяль,KOSHER,ISO,НАССР

Внешний вид: Светло-желтый порошок

Размер частицы: 100% пройти 80mesh

латинское название: Carbenia Benedicta ExtractСпецификация: 10:1Использование Часть : Leaf and seedМетод испытания: TCL

Product Description 100% Natural Factory Supply Holy Thistle Extract/Blessed Thistle Extract
 Blessed thistle has been revered since the Middle Ages in Europe for its use as a digestive stimulant and nutritive tonic. It was also eaten as a vegetable. This herb is approved by the German Commission E for its ability to increase appetite and support the digestive process, and is also an approved food additive in the United States for its flavoring of liqueurs such as Benedictine.
Health Function 100% Natural Factory Supply Holy Thistle Extract/Blessed Thistle Extract
 Digestion Improvement
Blessed thistle is often used to help stimulate the body’s secretion of gastric acid and the flow of bile, which can improve digestion. It can also be used to address flatulence and indigestion. К тому же, it can stimulate appetite, which makes it helpful in treating anorexia.

Breast Milk Supply Boost
Blessed thistle is thought to be a galactagogue, taken to help increase breast milk production. It seems to work optimally when used along with fenugreek, люцерна, fennel, stinging nettle or goat’s rue.

Female Remedy
Blessed thistle is well known as a remedy for women. It can help alleviate many PMS symptoms, including painful menstruation and PMS-related headaches.

Antimicrobial Action
Two compounds found in blessed thistle, polyacetylene and cnicin, can help your body battle bacterial infections. Some studies have shown these compounds to be effective against Bacillus subtilis, Brucella species, кишечная палочка, Proteus species, синегнойной, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus faecalis.

Anti-Inflammatory Qualities
Blessed thistle has been shown to lessen or totally halt inflammation. Однако, if you have inflammatory bowel problems, you should consult your health practitioner before taking blessed thistle.

Liver Detoxification
Как уже упоминалось выше, blessed thistle can stimulate the bile production, which assists with detoxification of the liver.

Astringent Like Properties
Blessed thistle can help prevent or at the very least slow down bleeding due to its astringent-like qualities. Because of these properties, blessed thistle is used to create natural remedies for skin ulcers and boils.


 100% Натуральный экстракт чертополоха поставкы фабрики/экстракт благословенного чертополоха




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 100% Натуральный экстракт чертополоха поставкы фабрики/экстракт благословенного чертополоха



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