12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product

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12.Природный пигмент
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-Product Description-100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product


Наименование товара:   Томатный порошок

Внешний вид:   красныйпорошок

Спецификация:  5%-90%

Метод испытания:  ультрафиолетовый

Деталь поставки:Немедленно 

-Introduction-100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product


Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C and fibreand are cholesterol free. An average size tomato(148 грамм, or 5 ozboasts only 35 calories. Furthermorenew medical research suggests that the consumption of lycopene– the stuff that makes tomatoes red– may prevent cancer. Lycopene is part of the family of pigments called carotenoidswhich are natural compounds that create the colours of fruits and vegetables. For examplebeta carotene is the orange pigment in carrots. As with essential amino acidsthey are not produced by the human body. Lycopene is the most powerful antioxidant in the carotenoid family andwith vitamins C and Eprotect us from the free radicals that degrade many parts of the body.


-Application-100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product

   It is suitable for integrated alcoholic beverages, карбоновые кислоты напитки, сокосодержащие напитки, желе,preserved fruit, конфеты, кондитерские изделия и т.д..


-Function-100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product



1. Prevention and suppression of cancer;

2. Protection of the cardiovascular;

3. Anti-ultraviolet radiation;

4. Suppression mutagenesis;

5. Anti-aging and enhancing immunity;

6. Improving skin allergies;

7. Improving a variety of body tissues due to the destructioncaused by dry cough

dry eyesmouth ulcers and other diseases;

8. To be used as an effective adjuvant to relieve hangover.

9.With the prevention of osteoporosis, пониженное кровяное давление, reducing the exercise-induced asthma, и другие физиологические функции;

11.Preventing and improving prostatic hyperplasiaprostatitis and other urological


12.Helping to improve sperm quality, снизить риск бесплодия.

100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product


100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product


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100% Natural Manufacturer tomato ketchup powder For Health Product


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