12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e

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12.Природный пигмент
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-Product Description-10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e


Наименование товара:   Buchu Extract

латинское название: Buchu crenulata

Внешний вид: Brown Yellow Fine порошок Спецификация:  20:1 10:1 Метод испытания:ТСХ
Деталь поставки:Немедленно


Introduction-10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e



  Buchu Leaf is indigenous to South Africa, and then the Dutch colonists learned about this herbal remedy and started using it for muscle pains, cholera, arthritis and kidney stones. Later on the herb gained such popularity that it was employed for a wide range of diseases, and nearly considered a cure-all. This herb can be helpful in congenital heart failure and elevated arterial tension. It has been known to strengthen the urinary system and to ease inflammation of the bladder, reduce bloating and excess water weight, alleviate painful urination, reduce swelling of the prostate, treat incontinence associated with prostate problems, and eliminate uric acid from the kidneys. It also soothes the inflammation of the vagina, sinus, mucous membrane, colon and gums. Buchu Leaf extract has been used to control diabetes and treat digestive disorders. Other uses for this tincture include treating yeast infection and vaginal discharge, which are sometimes mistaken for urinary tract infection. Buchu Leaf extracts also reduce bloating induced by premenstrual syndrome. It has been used to treat cellulite, вывихи, раны, skin problems, кашляет, colds and chronic bronchitis.



-Application-10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e



1) Buchu oil is widely used in the perfume industry,

2) As a component in artificial fruit flavors, alcoholic beverages, frozen dairy desserts, конфеты, condiments and relishes due to aromatic plant.

3)Applied topically as an insect repellant. The primary action of the herb is antimicrobial.


-Function-10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e




Инфекции мочевых путей и другие заболевания мочевыводящих путей

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10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e


10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e


УПАКОВКА& ДОСТАВКА ПО 10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e


НАША КОМПАНИЯ-Натуральное инсектицидное масло пиретрума / Экстракт пиретрума 50% Масло / Экстракт пиретрума


FAQ по 10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e

10:1 Digitalis leaf extract / Digitalis leaf powder / Digitalis leaf p.e


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