7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Экстракт артишока,Цинара сколимусная L, цинарин 5%, хлорогеновая кислота

Категорий и TAGS:
7. Ботанический Extract
  • описание продукта
Экстракт артишока,Цинара сколимусная L, цинарин 5%, хлорогеновая кислота


Наименование товара:Экстракт артишока


Внешний вид:бурый дымный порох

Спецификация Доступные : Cynarin 2.5%, 5%;4:1, 10:1

Б Часть: лист

Размер частицы: 100% пройти 80 меш

Introduction-Artichoke extract



Artichoke treat digestive upsetpoor liver functionand a range of other ailments. Its primary use has been as a choleretica substance that strengthens liver function by increasing bile productionalso has a centuries-old reputation as a diuretic(to increase urination). And it lower cholesterol and thus help to prevent heart diseaseArtichoke can help to ease upset stomach symptoms such as nausea, вспучивание, боль в животе, and vomiting. Artichoke leaf is also reputed to relieve flatulence.




 Function of Artichoke extract

IrritableCholesterol Reduction:

The artichoke has strong choleretic activity (promotes bile secretion in the liver), and choleretics increase the excretion of cholesterol and decrease the manufacture of cholesterol in the liver.

·Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptom Relieve:

Artichoke leaf extract has potential value in relieving irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.

·Dyspepsia Relieve:

Dyspepsia is often attributed to insufficient flow of bile from the gallbladder, and there is evidence that artichoke leaf has the ability to stimulate this flow.

·Liver Function Protection:

The artichoke plant is a member of the thistle family, and like milk thistle, it benefits the liver, protecting against toxins and infection. A Mediterranean home recipe uses fresh artichoke leaf juice mixed with wine or water as a liver tonic.

·Diabetes Prevention

The carbohydrate in artichokes is in the form of inulin, which has been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetes. The artichokes must be fresh, as the inulin will eventually convert to other sugars as the artichoke ages.

Artichoke extract Packing:1кг / мешок, 25кгс / барабан Две пластиковых мешков внутри и бумажные барабаны или в соответствии с требованиями заказчика.
Artichoke extract Storage:Хранить в плотно, свет устойчивостью контейнеры, избегать воздействия прямых солнечных лучей, влаги и чрезмерное тепло.

Artichoke extract
 Срок годности:
24 месяцев при правильном хранении.



 Экстракт артишока,Цинара сколимусная L, цинарин 5%, хлорогеновая кислота



 Экстракт артишока,Цинара сколимусная L, цинарин 5%, хлорогеновая кислота



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 Экстракт артишока,Цинара сколимусная L, цинарин 5%, хлорогеновая кислота



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