-Product Description-Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE
Наименование товара: Экстракт Bacopa Monniera
латинское название: Бакопа Монье (L.) Конкурировать.
Синонимы: Andri, Bacopa, Bacopa monniera, Бакопа Монье, Herb of Grace, Herpestis Herb,
Herpestis monniera, Hysope d’Eau, Indian Pennywort, Jalanimba, Jal-Brahmi, Jalnaveri, Nira-Brahmi,
Moniera cuneifolia, Sambrani Chettu, Thyme-Leave Gratiola, Water Hyssop
Часть Б: трава
Характеристики: Bacopasides 10%-50%,10:1
Внешний вид: Браун мелкий порошок
заявка: Лекарственное средство, Описание продукта-IMAHERB поставляет экстракт семян утренней славы p.e., Описание продукта-IMAHERB поставляет экстракт семян утренней славы p.e.
-Introduction-Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE
Bacopa extract is taken from the succulent leaves of a small creeping plant commonly found growing
throughout damp and marshy wetlands of India. Эта трава, with its small white flowers, is often mistaken
for a water lily, although the two are unrelated. Bacopa (Bacopa monniera or B. monnieri) is also known asbrahmi and water hyssop. The name of brahmi is thought to be derived from the Hindu’s creator of the
universe, Brahma. The extract possesses medicinal qualities and is used to treat numerous mental and
physical conditions.The herb is most often used as a brain tonic, especially within its native origin of India.
Bacopa extract has been used for centuries to restore and nourish the central nervous system. свойства
found in the extract are known to increase mental functions within the brain. Bacopa contains antioxidants
that are thought to protect brain cells, making them stronger and healthier. по факту, the extract is commonly
used to enhance memory and concentration, thus improving learning comprehension and processingskills.
-Application-Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE
1.Применяется в области продуктов здравоохранения;
2.Применяют в фармацевтической области;
3.Применяют в косметической области.
-Function-Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE
1.It is a traditional treatment for epilepsy and asthma.
2.It could be used to against Cardiovascular disease, antiaging, treating depression and alzheimer’s disease.
3.Itsupports theCentral Nervous system, Anxiolytic, Anticonvulsive, Memory enhancer, антиоксидант, анальгетики противовоспалительное, Cardio tonic.
Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE
Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE
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Bacopa monnieri extract BEST PRICE