Product Description of Best Made in China Hexapeptide-11 for Anti-wrinkle & Против старения
Наименование товара
Внешний вид
Метод испытания
95% проходимость через 80 мм сито
Срок годности
2 лет
Introduction of Best Made in China Hexapeptide-11 for Anti-wrinkle & Против старения
Гексапептид-11 reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making this an excellent addition to all kinds of skin care and anti-aging products. It has a unique set of amino acids that help to recreate a select many found in genes within the human body, allowing it to manipulate collagen levels and boost elasticity in the skin.
Fuction of Best Made in China Hexapeptide-11 for Anti-wrinkle & Против старения
Гексапептид-11 is derived from yeast. There isn’t much information on it. But I have read that test on human dermal fibroblasts show it can upregulate key genes responsible for collagen production and hyaluronic acid. It is also associated with hair growth.
It may be able to upregulate the Androgen Receptor gene, binding to it. much the way testosterone will. This has led to speculation that hexapeptide-11 may be able to influence the principal biochemical pathways responsible for converting young velus hair into mature hair.
Деталь поставки: Немедленно
упаковка:1кг / мешок, 25кгс / барабан (Два пластиковых пакета внутри / бумажные барабаны или по требованию заказчика)
Место хранения:Хранить в плотно, свет устойчивостью контейнеры, избегать воздействия прямых солнечных лучей, влаги и чрезмерное тепло.
Срок годности:24 месяцев при правильном хранении.

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