12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

Лучшая цена жареный порошок чая ячменя хороший поставщик

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12.Природный пигмент
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What is Barley?

Barley herbal tea is made from a cereal grain that comes from the annual grass hordeum vulgare. It is a widely adaptable crop with a short growing season and you can find it in the wild, growing under various conditions.
Barley was first domesticated in the Near East and it was eaten by the Romans as a staple, until it was replaced by wheat. In Medieval Europe, barley bread was actually food for peasants, later replaced by the potato in the 19th century.

This cereal has been present in Chinese medicine over a long period of time for its properties and amazing health benefits.
В наше время, Barley tea is known around the world, so dont be surprised if you find it going by different names when you travel to Asia. В Японии, it is called mugicha, в Китае, dàмàichá а также, in Korea, boricha.
Product Benefits * Stomach pain relief
* Reducing sleep disturbances and other sleep-related problems

* Reducing constipation

* Boosting prostate health and improving male fertility

* Curing the common cold

* Preventing tooth decay

* Acting as a blood thinner

* Improving weight loss

* Reduced cholesterol
Drinking Barley Tea

Roasting the grain:

You can buy roasted barley at a local Asian market. Otherwise, when making this tea from scratch, you must roast barley in the oven or in a skillet, until as the grains become brown (traditionally, a deep dark brown).

Later, you can easily grind roasted barley by using a pepper grinder.

Watch out for the freshness of barley grain, as it can turn rancid if you leave an open bag too long in the pantry. Dont be
afraid to get creative as it goes well with all types of food!

It takes more time to prepare it this way than using a regular tea bag, but tastes better and makes a fine iced tea when steeped for a few minutes.

Brewing your tea:

* Simmering makes the most robust tasting and dark mugicha. To do this, bring water to boil, throw in 2-3 tablespoons of loose grain per liter of water or tea bag, then lower the heat and let simmer for a couple of minutes.

Tip: make sure you use filtered water as it makes a difference in taste.

* Turn the heat off and let it cool in the pan to room temperature, then strain and, for iced tea, chill in the fridge.

* Adjust amount of barley seeds to the desired flavour. Mugicha often comes in tea bags as well as loose form. It usually
involves roasted barley and a deeper, stronger flavour that may or may not be as enjoyable as unroasted barley.If you are planning on making a cold barley infusion, is not necessary to boil the water when using tea bags for a whole pitcher of water. You can brew it as sun tea.
It can be enjoyed at any time of the day and it has a mellow, soothing and nutty taste that doesnt require sweeteners or lemon, as these will alter the taste of it. You will experience a slight bitter undertone, but less that tea from the tea plant camellia sinensis.

ДОБАВИТЬ: No.12 Hanyao Дорога, Qujiang район, Xi'an,Китай
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