12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

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 Описание продукта 100% natural mung bean peptide


Наименование товара: mung bean flour

латинское название: Vigna radiata (Linn.) Wilczek

Спецификация: Mung Bean Protein Peptide 95%

Внешний вид: Light Yellowish fine Powder

Размер ячейки: 80 меш

Б Часть: Экстракт зерен зеленого кофе

класс: Еда и напитки, Медицинские изделия

Метод испытания: ультрафиолетовый


 Введение или 100% natural mung bean peptide



Mung bean peptide use mung bean protein powder as raw material, with the use of biological compound enzyme cutting technique of mung bean protein powder directional enzymolysis.Mung bean is rich in protein, which contains various amino acids, especially lysine content of more, в то же время, but also rich in vitamins (тиамин, рибофлавин, ниацин, витамин Е, и т.п.) and various trace elements (калий, натрий, кальций, магний, железо, марганец, селен, и т.п.). Mung bean in addition to containing the essential nutrients the human body, also contains many bioactive substances, including tannins, алкалоиды, кумарины, phytosterols and flavonoids.



 применение 100% natural mung bean peptide



1. Mung bean peptides is widely used in food, напиток, фармацевтическая, косметической и других отраслей промышленности.

2. mung bean peptides is a perfect colourant used in wine, напиток, сироп, варенье, мороженое, кондитерские изделия и т.д..



Функция 100% natural mung bean peptide



1. Contains rich protein from mung bean, and can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa, mung bean, tannic acid and flavonoids may combine elements of pesticides, and organic phosphorus, arsenic, mercury and other toxic aluminium deposition, reduce or lose their toxicity, not easy to be absorbed in the intestine.

2. Has a significant role in lowering blood cholesterol.

3. After the research discovery, themung bean polypeptide rich variety of amino acids, including cysteine content than the mung bean protein 2 ~ 3 times.Animal experiments showчтоmung bean polypeptide has significantly reduced the role of cholesterol in the blood.The metabolic test was repeated for lead discovery of mung bean, mung bean polypeptide lead absorption effect is better than that of mung bean inhibition of gastrointestinal.Cell experiment foundчтоmung bean polypeptide has inhibition effect on microorganisms.The experiment found that the mice alcoholism, mung bean polypeptide is a very good hangover agen



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Наша продукция сертифицирована ISO9001.:2000, НАССР, Кошерный, Халяль и GMP.

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