7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Лучшая продажа Сделано в Китае порошок для крикета с дешевой ценой

Категорий и TAGS:
7. Ботанический Extract
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара cricket protein powder
Спецификация 98%~ 99%
биогенного происхождения Китай
Растворимость Dissolve in warter
Внешний вид Almost White Powder
Применение Фармацевтические препараты, healthcares,и косметика
сертификат ISO, Халяль, Кошерный

Crickets are gram-for-gram one of the most efficient protein creators on the planet. By dry weight, a single cricket ranges between 65% – 70% pure protein. В противоположность, beef is between 17% – 40% белок, with the rest being primarily fat content. But what about the quality of the protein you ask? Interestingly enough, cricket protein is a form of animal protein, which means it registers as a "complete" source of protein. What this means is that it contains all the essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAA's) that the human body needs for muscle development. Проще говоря, for high-quality protein, crickets surprisingly might be
the Lightweight Champion!
Функция продуктаCricket flour is packed with vitamins and minerals. Once again, on a gram-for-gram basis cricket powder can outcompete some of our healthiest food options.-Iron, an essential mineral that helps carry oxygen through our body in the form of hemoglobin.IMAHERB БИОТЕХ—ГОРЯЧИЕ ПРОДУКТЫГОРЯЧИЕ ТОВАРЫ-СУПЕРФУДЫГОРЯЧИЕ ТОВАРЫ-ЭКСТРАКТ ГРИБОВГОРЯЧИЕ ТОВАРЫ-ЭКСТРАКТ ГРИБОВКонтакты

ДОБАВИТЬ: No.12 Hanyao Дорога, Qujiang район, Xi'an,Китай
TEL: +86-29-89121514
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Web: www.imaherb.com
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