7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Cheapest price sale extract double boiled linseed oil flax seed oil

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7. Ботанический Extract
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Cheapest price sale extract double boiled linseed oil flax seed oil


Наименование товара: Flax Seed Extract/Linseed Extract

Ботанический источник: Linum usitatissimum L.

Ботаническое название: Linum Usitatissimum L

Внешний вид: Light Yellow fine powder with characteristic odor

Effective components: Lignans (As SDG)

Спецификация: 20% 40% По высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии

Formulate: C20H26O6. C6H12O6

Молекулярная масса: 542.58

CAS Нет: 148244-82-0

Introduction-double boiled linseed oil


Льняное семя (also called linseeds) are a rich source of micronutrients, пищевые волокна, марганец, витамин B1, and the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, also known as ALA or omega-3.

The seeds come from flax, one of the oldest fiber crops in the worldknown to have been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China.

Flaxseed is a source of healthy fat, антиоксиданты, и волокна; modern research has found evidence to suggest that flaxseed can also help lower the risk of diabetes, рак, and heart disease.

King Charlemagne of the 8th century believed so strongly in the health benefits of flaxseed that he demanded his loyal subjects eat the seeds and passed laws to make sure of it.

The Latin name for flax is Linum usitatissimum, which means "the most useful.

This MNT Knowledge Center feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods.

To reap the most benefits from flaxseeds, they should be bought in ground form or ground before consumption as whole flaxseeds can sometimes pass through the digestive tract undigested.


 Function of double boiled linseed oil

1. Flaxseed extract used to lose weight. Can burn surplus fat of Body

2.Flaxseed extract will reduce allergic reaction, уменьшить астму, улучшить артрит

3.Flaxseed extract with the function of improving female menstrual period syndrome

4. Flaxseed extract can reduce the bad influence of hazardous chemicals produced when under pressure, control stress, уменьшить депрессию и бессонницу,

5. Flaxseed extract will improve skin fat content, увлажнить кожу гладкой, мягкая и гибкая, сделать дыхание кожи и пота к нормальному, для уменьшения различных проблем кожи.


double boiled linseed oil Packing:1кг / мешок, 25кгс / барабан Две пластиковых мешков внутри и бумажные барабаны или в соответствии с требованиями заказчика.
double boiled linseed oil Storage:Хранить в плотно, свет устойчивостью контейнеры, избегать воздействия прямых солнечных лучей, влаги и чрезмерное тепло.

double boiled linseed oil
 Срок годности:
24 месяцев при правильном хранении.



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