12.Природный пигмент

» 12.Природный пигмент

Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer

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12.Природный пигмент
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-Product Description-Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer


Наименование товара:   Формононетин

латинское название:  Trifolium pratense L.

Внешний вид:    Белый мелкий порошок
Спецификация:     98%

Метод испытания: ВЭЖХ
Деталь поставки:Немедленно


Introduction-Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer




красный клевер (Trifolium pratense in Latin), which belongs to the family of Leguminosae, is a perennial with trifoliate leaves and pink to red flowers. Red clover is a wild and very common plant.

Red clover is abundant throughout Europe, Central and Northern Asia from the Mediterranean to the Arctic Circle. Red clover has been naturalized to grow in North America.

Red clover extract formononetin is white crystal powderdissolve in methanol, этилацетат, эфир, Red clover extract formononetin extract unsoluble in water.



-Application-Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer



1. Применяют в фармацевтической области, it is mainly used in preventing cancer, таких как рак молочной железы, рак простаты и рак толстой кишки.
2. Применяется в области продуктов здравоохранения, it is mainly used in improving osteoporosis and womens menopauses symptom.



-Function-Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer



1. Red clover extract formononetin may have efficacy for respiratory system infections.

2. Red clover extract formononetin acts as an antibiotic, appetite suppressant, blood purifier, depurative and relaxant.

3. Red clover extract formononetin is good for bacterial infections, HIV and AIDS, inflamed lungs,inflammatory bowel disorders, проблемы с почками, болезнь печени, skin disordersand weakened immune system.


Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer


Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer


УПАКОВКА& SHIPPING OF Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer


НАША КОМПАНИЯ-Натуральное инсектицидное масло пиретрума / Экстракт пиретрума 50% Масло / Экстракт пиретрума


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Free samples offer formononetin for cure colon cancer


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