7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Экстракт семян гуараны высокого качества по хорошей цене

Категорий и TAGS:
7. Ботанический Extract
  • описание продукта

Product Description of High quality guarana seed extract with good price




 The main feature of guarana is that the natural caffeine contained in it can stimulate nerves gradually and slowly. The stimulation lasts for a long time, and the stimulation is relatively mild and not harmful to the human body, while products from other sources usually work fast but for a short time



Introduction of High quality guarana seed extract with good price



Наименование товара Экстракт гуараны
латинское название Paullinia Cupana
Б Часть семя
Processing Technology Экстракция

Экстракт гуараны 10:1

класс Фарм & Пищевой
Внешний вид Светло-коричневый мелкодисперсный порошок



Application of High quality guarana seed extract with good price



 1. Применяют в области пищевых продуктов, он используется в подслащенных или газированных безалкогольных напитков и энергетических выстрелов, ингредиент травяного чая;
2. Применяют продукт здоровья & фармацевтическое поле, как диетическая добавка, Это эффективный стимулятор, который представляет собой ингредиент, содержащийся в капсулах;

Function of High quality guarana seed extract with good price


(1) Cognition:

Guarana extract Powder has shown prompt results in terms of positive effects in cognition.The high content promotes mental alertness and reduces fatigue. The proponents of guarana

seed extract are of the opinion that active ingredient is released slowly, thus providing stimulative effects for a longer period.

(2) пищеварение:

Guarana extract Powder is used for combating digestive problems, particularly irregular bowel movement. The tannin present in this extract help in proper digestion of food and treatment of

понос. Однако, do not use guarana extract frequently for reducing digestive problems, as it may become habitual in the long run.

(3) Slimming Figure:

Guarana extract Powder reduces appetite and cravings for food, while stimulating the body metabolic processes. следовательно, it helps in burning the accumulated fats and lipids, as an energy

source for the body cells and tissues.

(4) Pain Relief:

по традиции, guarana seed extract has been used as a treatment for migraine headache,rheumatism and menstrual pain.



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