7. Ботанический Extract

» 7. Ботанический Extract

Горячие продажи Китай поставляет органические семена чиа по конкурентоспособной цене

Категорий и TAGS:
7. Ботанический Extract
  • описание продукта
Наименование товара Chia Seeds
Часть Б Семена
заявка Пищевая добавка
анализ 99%
класс Пищевой
Срок годности 2 лет

Семена чиа is the seed of the mint plant Salvia Hispanica L., which is native to southern Mexico and Guatemala and other North American regions. Chia seeds are small, generally 1.87±0.1мм, 1.21±0.08m wide, 0.88±0.04mm thick, elliptical, гладкая поверхность, color from beige to dark brown, with marbled veins on the surface. Light-colored seeds are slightly more full in weight, ширина, and thickness than black seeds. It is the most abundant food rich in omega-3 fatty acids and contains natural antioxidantsФункция продуктаThe protein content of Chia seeds is between 15-23%, and the content has a great relationship with the growing area. The protein content of Chia seeds is higher than that of traditional grains, пшеница, рис, и т.д. It is worth mentioning that Chia seed protein does not contain gluten, so it is a very good source of protein for people with gluten allergies. Чиа семена содержат 8 essential amino acids required by the human body, and the amino acid combination is close to the ideal model of FAO/WHO, which has good nutritional value.Применение продукта1. Food ingredients: В данный момент, Chia seeds have been widely used in different countries, such as Thailand, Мексика, Argentina,Chile, New Zealand, Япония, Соединенные Штаты, Canada and Australia. Currently mainly used in beverages, зерновые батончики, печенье,лапша, хлеб, yogurt and so on.
2. Пищевая добавка:
Omega-3 extracted from Chia seeds is made into a capsule that can be used as a nutritional supplement for omega-3.
3. For use as a fragrance:
Chia seed oil contains a variety of volatile ingredients that can be used to make a flavoring agent as a source of aromatic ingredients.
4. Modified material:
The surface of Chia seeds contains mucopolysaccharide, which can be used as a raw material for embedding and film modification.
5. Used to control pests:
The leaves of Chia seeds contain compounds such as β-caryophyllene, decyl alcohol and decylene dichloride, which can effectively resist insect damage.
6. For medicines:
Control blood sugar: Chia seeds contain higher dietary fiber (about 5g fiber per 12g Chia seeds), water-insoluble dietary fiber swells after water absorption, the volume is several times the original, which leads to a feeling of fullness. Slow down the rate of digestion, so that blood sugar and insulin can be relatively stable at a certain level. Снижает уровень холестерина: Studies have shown that omega-3 can lower triglycerides, and that beta-sterols in Chia seeds can lower cellular cholesterol levels.IMAHERB БИОТЕХ—Экстракт брусникиIMAHERB БИОТЕХ—ГОРЯЧИЕ ПРОДУКТЫ

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ДОБАВИТЬ: No.12 Hanyao Дорога, Qujiang район, Xi'an,Китай
TEL: +86-29-89121514
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